Who Should We Blame for Romeo and Juliet's Death? | Teen Ink

Who Should We Blame for Romeo and Juliet's Death?

January 12, 2023
By Anonymous

           Many people, such as Friar Lawrence, Romeo, Juliet, their parents, or Friar John, can be blamed for Romeo and Juliet’s death. Some may even that it was society’s fault. And I think that they have good reasons to support their opinions. However, I believe that Juliet’s parents, Lord and Lady Capulet, have the most fault in Romeo and Juliet’s death.

           First of all, Lord and Lady Capulet have been holding the ancient grudge that has been keeping the two families apart for years. They don’t seem to care anymore why the grudge started; they just kept keeping a distance. Also, Lady Capulet, being the aunt of Tybalt might have warned him not to be too violent. In my opinion, Lord and Lady Capulet, being leaders of the family, should have at least tried to stop the violence from happening. However, they did any of the sort; even their servants hated the Montagues with their life. “Nay, as they dare. I will bite my thumb at them; which is disgrace to them if they bear it.” (1.1.41-42) If only Lord and Lady Capulet at least tried to make some peace, Juliet and Romeo could have loved each other without hiding it from their parents.

           Secondly, they don’t seem to take the time to listen to their Juliet’s thoughts or talk to them a lot. Lady Capulet seems to be the type of a mother who would hire a nurse and just sit back watching her little girl grow up without caring much about the troubles the girl might have. Juliet doesn’t seem to take her serious thoughts to Lady Capulet either. Instead, she talks to the Nurse. Lady Capulet only talks to Juliet for the marriage plans and on behalf of Lord Capulet. She doesn’t seem to care very much and talks with the feeling of someone who has her “nose up in the air”. “Well, think of marriage now. Younger than you, here in Verona, ladies of esteem are made already mothers.” (1.3.70-72) If only Juliet had a good relationship with her parents, she might have had the courage to tell her parents about her situation and her new love. This might have helped to work things out in the fact that the marriage might not have had to be a secret.

           Thirdly, they only think about themselves. Lord and Lady Capulet seem to have the image of very rich and stubborn people. They only think about the advantages that they might have from marrying Juliet to Paris, so they just force her to do. They don’t take the time to consider Juliet’s opinion or leave her to make her own decisions at all. Lord Capulet even said, “How, how, how, how, chopped logic? What is this? ‘Proud’-and ‘I think you’-and ‘I thank you not’- and yet ‘not proud’? Mistress minion you, thank me no thankings, nor proud me no prouds, but fettle your fine joints ‘gainst Thursday next to go with Paris to Saint Peter’s Church, or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither.” (3.5.149-155) If only they had stepped back, stopped thinking only about themselves, and started to consider Juliet’s thoughts, they could have prevented Juliet from faking to die and kill herself later on.

           In conclusion, Lord and Lady Capulet have the most fault in Romeo and Juliet’s death because they kept the ancient grudge, didn’t take the time to listen to Juliet, and only thought about themselves. If only they had been good parents who really love their children and listen to their problems with care, the death of their daughter, and her lover, could have been prevented.

The author's comments:

This essay holds my opinion in who I think is to blame for Romeo and Juliet's death from Shakespeare's play,"Romeo and Juliet".

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