Are we, as humans, the true enders of our world? | Teen Ink

Are we, as humans, the true enders of our world?

January 25, 2023
By A-V BRONZE, Sacramento, California
A-V BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Tell me, please tell me, why does time keep moving faster, I miss the past, hate the present, and I'm scared of the future, why is it so hard for me to move on?"

As a young kid, I’d always believe that natural disasters were truly how we were all gonna be killed at some point. Movies had a big part in my head. High magnitude earthquakes, tall tsunamis, and even big floating rocks in space gave me a life crisis. These world-ending events were burrowed into my mind. I was really afraid that I was gonna die.

However, growing up, I believe the true problem is society itself. And I am not saying that we should get rid of society, however changes should be done. There are many problems in society, unemployment,, or even the lack of support for municipal industries. I believe some of these problems can lead to riots and protests. 

As society moves forward in the future, this also means the advancement of privileged class people. As the future goes on, they will begin to have their own industries meaning they will stop supporting the industries that support the lower class. In Jared Diamond’s Op Ed from The NY Times “The Ends of The World as We Know it” he states that “they will lose the motivation to support” and “If conditions deteriorate too much for poorer people, gates will not keep the rioters out.” Mr. Diamond is saying that people will riot and they will win, him saying this is related to what he said about what happened to the Maya kings and how they got their palaces burned down. When this happens, if it does happen, I believe it will be considered a big part of history.

I believe that society as a whole can truly succeed, of course, everyone as a single person wants to be the best they can so they will want to be better than most people which is a good grind mindset but they should also be mindful of the people around them. A good mindset, in terms of privileged class people, would probably be to compete in terms of who can help the most people. This mindset is something I believe is truly a win-win, their reputation will be massively boosted and they will also not only help themselves but also other people, this will be the opposite of what the Maya kings did, which was focus solely on themselves. This view is very optimistic and could be wishful thinking, however people need to think more in terms of better competition, this will bring a whole new view on who they are.

If society does try to change, it will be very hard and perhaps even impossible as we’ve already continued this path. If what Mr. Diamond predicts will happen and history repeats itself. I'm afraid that it will be the cause of society. The thought of natural disasters being the end was scary but the thought of humanity being the true end is scary.

The author's comments:

Thinking that humans will be the true cause of our world to end would be scary as it was our own doing that caused us our downfall.

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