Cookie or cake? | Teen Ink

Cookie or cake?

February 28, 2023
By Anonymous

I simply don’t understand what cookie cake is.

First of all what makes it a cookie cake? Is it the icing? The shape? The size? Does the difference between cake and not cake simply depend on icing on bread? I don’t think it fits any definition.

Cookie cake could technically count as a pie. 

It comes in a pan and it has crust similar to a pie.

You could even argue if there’s chocolate chips that it has filling.

So why call it cake?

If we were to put icing on a regular cookie you wouldn’t call it cake you’d just call it a cookie with icing or would that be a cookie cupcake? 

At what size specifically does a cake become a cupcake and a cookie cake become just a cookie with icing.

In my years of pondering this question I have come up with a simple answer.

Everything that involves bread and another substance on top is cake.

All baked goods either come from bread or cake 

Does it have something on top? That’s cake.

Does it have something in it? That’s bread.

Does your grandma make it three times a week? That’s pie.

Now the cookie police is onto me so I have to make the rest of this quick, yes that does mean sugar cookies are cake and Oreos are cookies.

As for size scientific evidence points to the fact that if your pastry takes up a whole plate by itself then it’s large enough to be a cake.

As for wether or not a cookie cake is a cake or a cookie.

I simply don’t know.

The author's comments:

The cookie cake debate has long since been in my life starting as an argument between me and my dad and soon consumed my life as one of life’s great philosophical questions.

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