personal essay | Teen Ink

personal essay

May 21, 2024
By Anonymous

Respect is a good value to live by. I say that because respect is earned, you can't just expect it. I believe that no matter what position you're in or job you have you must earn someone's respect. Respect is earned by showing respect and doing things that are respectable. Such as buying someone a drink or holding the door open, thoughts are just small examples but to be respected thoughts are the kind of things you have to do.

Another way of looking at respect is like taking your hat off for the national anthem or standing for the pledge. The men and women who died for your freedom is what the song is about and not standing is disrespecting their sacrifice for you. When I see people sitting or leaving their hat on I don't respect them because I feel they do not deserve it. 


Respect is a huge value because it can help you to earn someone's respect. If I am trying to get a job and I walk into the interview and do not shake the interviewer's hand I am much less likely to get the job. If I call them by their first name right away I am less likely to get the job. Also if I walk in and disrespect their officer by putting my feet on their desk I am less likely to get that job. If I do have a job and someone with a lot of connections respects me I am more likely to receive their help and guidance and I would show respect back.

If I were to walk into a girl's house and not shake her dad's hand and greet her mother I would not earn her dad's respect. Or if you just text her instead of going up to the door and walking her to the car. Respect is mutually earned through a handshake and doing what you say you will do. If I said yes home by 9 and I come back at 9: 30 I have lost trust and respect. If I get back at 850 and they are mad then they have lost respect from me.

              Respect can also be lost for entire group. Like entire countries can loose respect. Like Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor or anything North Korea does. Respect is something that is involved in everything. Weather it be sports like a hockey or football game. You can lose respect for the refs or other players, sometimes even coaches. You can also loose respect for students as a teacher. If a student is always disrespectful or always making up excuses teachers can lose there respect for them. If you have you're teachers respect than sometimes you get a little more leniency with assignments or being a little late to class. 

               Respect is all around and always in play. Every person has different respect for everyone they know. You can never avoid it and can never get rid of it. So you might as well just learn to gain respect and be a better person and it will end up better for everyone.

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it is about respect

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