Soccer is better than Basketball | Teen Ink

Soccer is better than Basketball

May 28, 2024
By delpiero BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
delpiero BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Soccer is better because I can play it with my foot, because I don't see the fun in playing ith my hand. For me, soccer is one of the best sports than basketball, because basketball is played only with the hands and making movements, on the other hand, soccer is better because the goalkeepers cover the ball with their hands or feet, and the defenders also cover the ball. The forwards play and defend the ball with their feet, and also make movements so that the ball is not taken away from us. 


 Because soccer belongs to the soccer of my race, we Latinos identify with soccer, because mostly in Hispanic countries, soccer is played more. For example, basketball is played very little in my country, there are almost no people who play it, nor are there any people who play American football. I tried to play basketball and I wasn't good at it, I dislocated my finger and I never played it again.

While basketball certainly has its own appeal with its fast-paced nature and high-scoring games, soccer offers a different kind of unmatched excitement. Strategic plays, intense physical battles and dramatic football moments create a unique and exhilarating experience for players and fans alike.

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world where we can play strategically, as a team, defensively, and quickly.

Latinos mostly play soccer, but we should practice American football so we can learn to play different types of sports.

The author's comments:

I like the soccer and I would like to share my opinion 

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