May 31, 2024
By Anonymous

Along with benefits, social networks are a double-edged sword because it also brings unexpected harms. Not everyone knows that. Only people who are smart and alert enough can realize that. It doesn't harm you slowly, not immediately, so few people notice.

Social networks have both positive and negative sides. One thing that cannot be denied is that it has helped people a lot in life. But that comes with unpredictable consequences. When you abuse and become addicted to it, your mental health will be greatly affected because the things posted on social networks are not always good. It will cause your mental health to decline when you let it impact and affect your life.

When you decide to use it, all your personal information will definitely be tracked and stolen by viruses and hackers. Hackers can use stolen credentials to access your online accounts such as email, bank accounts, or e-commerce websites. Once inside, they can lock you out, leaving them free to use your account for malicious activities. Stealing your identity to defraud others for money or property. This is enough to see how harmful social networks can be if you keep publicizing and posting your own personal and private information on it.

Here is a quote from a government source I found and it talks about the current social media problem: “However, because of the negative effects, spreading rumors and conveying negative emotions can significantly harm subjective well-being and erode social trust.” The above statement is enough to realize that the problem of social networks is not a small problem and it has a significant negative impact on people's lives.

According to another source that also talked about social media issues that I found: “In the 2020 body image report, Facebook researchers found that 40% of young men experienced extreme social comparisons. ”. This proves that social networks have a significant impact. about the mental strength of adolescents. Children are in their developing age so they tend to express who they are better than, who they are inferior to, and social networks are the way they express themselves.

In general, social networks benefit our lives a lot. It is absolutely not harmful to us if we understand its nature and do not abuse it too much. Because then, it is you who harms yourself, not the fault of social networks or anyone else. Remember, this is your choice so use social media wisely

The author's comments:

Hi my name is Thu. I'm from Vietnam

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