Truth | Teen Ink


June 5, 2024
By 5jonesm BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
5jonesm BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you ever feel like all eyes are on you? Or in an argument with someone who you know is lying? I always stop and wonder, I wish I knew what they were thinking.


Imagine how nice it would be to look at someone and understand why they give you a weird look. I read that girl's hair isn’t brushed in the back. It would save me a lot of embarrassment if I could fix what I forgot to do right away instead of walking around my whole day with everyone noticing the same thing in silence. 

I could go into the world and ascertain my actions. I would know how my actions impact others and make adjudicated decisions. I wouldn’t be selfish with my gift. I would use it for the greater good of others too. I would spread positivity since I know how those words and actions make someone feel.

Now, there would be some personal benefits too. I could call out people when I see their noses growing like Pinocchio. If I played the cards right, I could use what they know about the situation and make sure I say exactly what needs to be said. 

My eyes popped out of my head when I read the thought I know she is right but what lie should I tell to cover for myself? This conversation couldn’t go any better for me. I knew it! I knew she would lie to cover her tracks. Without the truth, I would still exalt her. But now, I know her malice. 

Reading minds wouldn’t be necessary if people would just tell the truth. Sadly all day you hear people saying, “I didn’t say that” or “I know I am right”. By knowing what people were saying, I could see, understand, and apply what they were thinking to the situation from other perspectives. 

I’ll never be able to read minds and get the unfiltered thoughts of others but, I will always keep my eyes peeled for a growing Pinocchio nose. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about truth and reading minds 

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