Green | Teen Ink


June 7, 2024
By Anonymous

Green is one of my favorite colors because we see it in our everyday life. Green can mean many things. To some people, the color green means disgust. To others, it means holidays, summer, and more. The color green is shown on Christmas with a big tree and lights. On Easter, it is shown with fake grass and candy like jelly beans, or eggs. Green is seen many times in our food. It is a pretty important food group. It is mostly in salad but you can also see it in brussel sprouts and green beans. Sometimes you see people do challenges where you can only eat that color for a whole day. For the color green, I think there is a variety of foods that you could eat healthy or not healthy. Green is one of my favorite colors because it reminds me of summer and the bright green grass beneath you. It also reminds me of playing softball out in my backyard with my dad. Seaweed is green. Even though it is kind of disgusting, it reminds me of the lake and the fun times in the water or on the boat with my friends and family. Green is a color that you see everyday whether you like it or not.

The author's comments:

This is a revised quick write about the color green

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