The Future With Technology | Teen Ink

The Future With Technology

June 7, 2024
By Anonymous

In a world where technology is smarter than the users and social media influencers have more influence than politicians, we as AI are taking over, there are now self-driving cars that take you where you need to go no more need to learn how to drive.

Waking up to an alarm clock where it already has your day planned your curtains open themselves, your coffee making itself and you don't even need to press a button. You get in your car and it has a mind of its own knowing where you want to go and takes you there.

In the future kids will be taking self-driving buses to school that will take them somewhere else or have a glitch making a mess, wishing that you would've just driven instead. Kids will go to class put on virtual reality headphones and live in their own world there will be no more socializing. Pe will just turn to take a seat and watch the video there will be no more exercising but just a world where technology is at the center. People won't know how to spell they will just be using voice typing to write their stories and have us do their work. 

There won't be any more work for humans it will all be taken over by robots and AI we already have computers that you order on instead of going to order at the register and that you are able to pay at, there are drones that drop off your packages for you making it so that there are no longer jobs for a delivery driver. This means that people who need a job have to work harder to find one and aren't able to make money if they really need to and things are just getting more expensive. 

With the updates in technology there will be no need to know how to cook everything will be artificially made you put it on your phone and we paste it onto a plate anything you could think of Chinese food, Italian food, or the simplest things anything you want to eat just right there. But be careful because you might end up with a cloud with the chance of meatballs situation in your house and food everywhere. 

So as we navigate through the updates of technology through the future we must be careful and work to make sure that we stay on track with technology because you might end up with robots taking over the streets and wandering the neighborhood. As humans and robots, we must find a way to balance both artificial and organic life so that we don't overlap or get in each other's way.

The author's comments:

I'm a high school student who thinks technology is taking over but there is a way to stop it from going to far.

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