Teenager Love | Teen Ink

Teenager Love

November 8, 2007
By Anonymous

People say that teenagers are too young for have a relationship but sometimes we want someone to love us in a different way, not like a family, friend or mother-a love more powerful and intense.

Teenager love is diffrent than grown up people;it is more crazy,fun,happy and emotional.You find those feelings that you have never discovered.You even feel like you're a diffrent person.Teenager love can even be a medicine,you know?

Most of the people feel safe in the arms of someone;well everyone feels like that.Like they say in some poems,one day love will be knocking at your door and you will be very surprised when you see it.

Everyone including teenagers feel happy when they are in love.You always see then smiling.Love is the most beautiful thing in life;that is what everyone says.People love to be loved by a second person,more if it is a boyfriend.

Crushes are the hardest kind of love to get out of your mind;they are your platonic love.It makes you feel butterflies in your stomach.You get nervous when you're close to that person.You like to see him all day-the things that he does,how he smiles,with who he talks and the girls that he looks at

Teenagers can fall in love too

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