Realistic Resolutions? | Teen Ink

Realistic Resolutions?

January 5, 2008
By reneeannxyz PLATINUM, Bloomington, Illinois
reneeannxyz PLATINUM, Bloomington, Illinois
40 articles 0 photos 5 comments

A new year, with millions of hopefuls filing into diet programs, setting standards for themselves that will never be reached. New years resolutions, a tradition that everyone is aware of. My question: Why do we set clearly unrealistic goals, to celebrate a new calender? This year, I did not make new years resolutions, I made life resolutions. Setting goals all through out your life is the only way to succeed. By setting goals on new year, you are not expecting any change. Make a decision to better yourself, and make yourself happy. Go for your dreams, and then celebrate for a real occasion. I believe the that by making the goals that you truly wish to achieve, you will bring more opportunities and open doors you never dreamed possible.

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