American Values | Teen Ink

American Values

January 27, 2012
By ajeej BRONZE, Auburn, New York
ajeej BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In America we give greater value to the things we desire than developing realistic relationships with others, materialism matters more to Americans than many other countries. A persons life choices determines what category they best fit in or what they are judged by. Materialism can be a simple thing to some but an issue to others. There are different thoughts about weather it should or shouldn’t be more focused on in America today. Mostly the people who are materialistic and don’t realize because of what America has made them comfortable with are the ones with things to get more materialistic. I believe that American are very materialistic and will continue this path or maybe even become worse. I also believe the root to this problem is mostly self-esteem. People get comfort from material things, weather they are lonely, self-conscious or just spoiled by all the material things in America today like clothes new technology or even shoes. Most of these kinds of people have reasoning behind being materialistic. For instance, according to Andrew Christopher he says, "Although some people seek wealth and material possessions in order to enhance their security and happiness, research suggests that a materialistic orientation is associated with lower levels of psychological well-being" (Christopher and Schlenker).
This I agree with completely. It seems that material things are a successful way to please those who are not confident in them selves. Accessories help people feel better about them selves or fit in more with today's society. Americans have grown to depend on most of nothing but material things. It is almost like we are just allowing these things to take control of our lives to the point where there is no turning back because us Americans will not stop it which will have a great affect on much more important things like our environment, or country and our world over all. A source to the issue of materialism is money, the more money Americans consume the harder it is for most people to escape materialism and the effects of it. Like Andrew Christopher says, "As a society becomes obsessively driven by money it shapes many spheres of a consumer's life. Indeed, money may develop into a psychological force whereby it serves as a means to some end - that end could be materialism or vanity."

The author's comments:
How much times have changed is what inspired me.

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