Personnel Narritive | Teen Ink

Personnel Narritive

December 14, 2012
By Elizabeth McGrath BRONZE, Idaho Springs, Colorado
Elizabeth McGrath BRONZE, Idaho Springs, Colorado
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Who are the influential people in my life, and how have they contributed to my development as a person? The most influential people in my life would have to be my sisters. They all had a prodigious influence on my whole character. Characterization is the complexity of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person. Character in my mind, represents the true person you really are. All three of my sisters contained admirable character; in conclusion I will and always have awe for them.
To their full potential they advised, accommodated, and kept me from harm’s way at the best of their capability. My perspective on life reflects from the experiences I went through in my life. For instance, whenever I had my head in the ground; my foundation was my sisters. They always were optimistic in every way, they taught me when the going gets tough, you can’t just quit.
I have many delightful memories with my eldest sister when I was a young child. She drove her 1970 beat up Ford, its paint was as white as sheep’s fur, and the interior was torn but vintage. She would blast the speakers and the music would mellifluously flow through my ears; “magic carpet ride” was our favorite song, and to this day I always think of her when I listen to it.
My sisters are no saints; they’ve made many mistakes in their life as all other humans do that’s life. In that matter, I observe all of my sisters and the decisions they have made and consume as much as I can. They always explain to me to learn from their mistakes, and frankly I won’t learn the hard way.
They’ve influenced me to make right decisions, and I look up to them. The last thing I would ever want to do is disappoint them. So, in life I take full responsibility when I do make mistakes. Before there is a mistake to occur I most of the time, think it through before I make my final decision. The most recent verdict I made was moving to Colorado with my eldest sister Theresa. It was very hard to make the choice to leave my family from Jersey to the border of the west coast. The thing that was mostly holding me back from Colorado was leaving my sisters back home, and my nephews. I was also contemplating on the fact that I’d be going into senior year, new people, new state, new school, new everything. I wasn’t scared, more like ecstatic, I hunger for diversity in my life. When I have a routine I get bored, and I strongly believe that change is good, and sometimes bad mistakes makes a better character. So, I’m not disagreeing that mistakes are good, because they really are; but if I can use my sister’s mistakes to my full advantage then I certainly will.
As a person, I am always open to helping anyone that desperately needs help. I believe you have to give to get, meaning if you do good deeds you’ll receive good treatment. I get a joy out of helping others. It shows that I’m compassionate, kind, caring, and considerate. My sisters have contributed kindness, honesty, passion, loyalty, and protection. All of these traits I have, because my sisters have contributed to the person I am today.

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