Stand Tall | Teen Ink

Stand Tall

December 16, 2012
By Anonymous

Life is always going to be full of obstacles. It’s your choice whether or not you let it stop you, or get over it and keep going.

As a teenager I feel like this is when the most obstacles occur in life. The teen years are full of confusion, peer pressure, relationship (friends and crushes). I am a teenager I’m 15 but I wish my obstacles in life were just these… I’ve had so many obstacles in my life even from when I was a baby. Now that I’m older and am almost even considered an adult, I have just as many problems as all teenagers but mine are different. One of the greatest obstacles I haven’t even overcome is with my mother. She is a drunk. Not an alcoholic, but a drunk. There is a HUGE difference between the two. An alcoholic know he/she has a problem and is willing to get better, while a drunk is to far deep in their bottle to understand they are hurting themselves and others. I have yet to get through this obstacle but this one has led to another. I got kicked out of my house at 14 years old! My mom was drunk one night and she pushed me too far and I hit her. I went and stayed with a friend did some things I shouldn’t have. I gave in to peer pressure and ended up losing my virginity. I know it was a bad choice on my part but I’m glad I did at the same time because it has made me a stronger person. I don’t let guys mess with me anymore.. My dad called the police on me and I moved in with my sister the next day. It was good at my sisters, but another obstacle followed me. My brother went to jail… so that led to the obstacle of rumors spreading at school. People making comments to me, I get bullied at school. My brother was in jail for 8 months, and he is now in prison?. After an article in the paper life got harder more and more obstacles piling up. I got more comments about my brother, asking me when I was next and me getting told my brother deserved it. I was done with this drama and nonsense of school and everywhere because I got bullied at school. I would go home that day only to come home to people bullying me online and through text. I was thankful that school was over for a while because of thanksgiving break! I was hoping I could spend the vacation stress free, but I didn’t get what I wanted. On the Friday after thanksgiving I tried committing suicide… but I wasn’t successful. I know this was a selfish act and I’m sometimes glad I’m here still. Then other times I wish I could have been successful, because I continue to get bullied and people have no idea what’s going on with me. I’m not the kind of person who opens up to everyone… but I felt like if I tell people my story people will know that they’re not the only ones with rough lives. I want people to read this and know that there is hope. There is someone out there who knows exactly how you feel. So stay strong live one day at a time and eventually you’ll come past your obstacle/s you just need to STAND TALL. ? I will be here..

The author's comments:
this story is all true and i don't want to be judged by any of it. i am a good person but it's okay if you disagree.. i will understand

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