My Inspiration | Teen Ink

My Inspiration

December 17, 2012
By Anonymous

It was a Tuesday Morning and all I could think about was the assembly that we were having today because every class was shorter and I didn’t think that we would be doing a lot of work. When it was time to go to the assembly I waited anxiously to find out what the assembly would be about. As the assembly begun there was a professional wrestling champ standing at our stage I could believe it!

His name was Merc Mero he got the whole crowd excited and made us laugh. He was here to talk to us teens about suicide and believe in our dreams. He started off by telling us how life was for him ever since he was a little boy then he started to tell us about how hard his life was growing up. He lost his young brother, younger sister and his mom and dad. Hearing his story inspired me so much it changed my life all around and gave me a different perspective how to view the world.

I never knew how hard life can be to some people I am very fortunate to have a good life with some awesome people in it. From the story that he told us it taught be some lessons like for example you should never take anyone for granted and you should always love your family and friends you will never know if it’s the last time that you will see them. Merc Mero has accomplished so many things in his life he made me realize that dreams can come true if you believe in yourself and never give up. Never let anyone bring you down because you have faith in yourself that you can do anything if you put your mind into it!

Something that really made me really sad and felt really sorry was when Merc Mero was telling us the story of some little teens that committed suicide because they were getting bullied and they couldn’t take it anymore. People can be really mean and try to bring you down but you should never listen to them because they are all wrong. Everyone is beautiful and special in their own way! Bullying is a very big problem today and should not be happening to anyone because it isn’t right.

Merc Mero is the best he did a fantastic job and made all of us believe in ourselves and made us all happy at the end of the presentation with the fantastic dance performance got all of us pumped up. I don’t think that I am going to ever forget Merc Mero and his amazing presentation that he did ever since he made that speech my life has changed and I tell my family and friends that I love them and they mean the world to me! It is amazing how just one person can change your life around and make you believe in accomplishing your dreams to never regret anything and make everyone proud of you! You can accomplish anything in the whole world if you believe in yourself! “The world will tell you “seeing is believing” Mero Mero says the truth is “Believing is seeing” You can accomplish anything you set your mind to, but first you must believe it in your heart “I BELIEVE" Merc Mero”.

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