Mirror, Mirror On The Wall.... | Teen Ink

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall....

December 17, 2012
By ASims BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
ASims BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This may seem like some sort of fairytale fantasy by a girl who has watched way too many romance movies, but once you’ve watched so many of them you realize that every girl on this earth is some sort of princess. Each and every girl has their own little dream and their own unique story. Ariel just wanted to be human and get away from her overprotective father. Cinderella’s evil stepfamily attacks her with magnanimous amounts of chores. Wendy just needed to become a kid again while Rapunzel needed to follow her dreams to watch the flying lanterns on her birthday. They all have one thing in common, they did what they believed in and fell in love, no matter what it took, taking pride in every action.

We all need to admit that we wish that we could have a story like Allie from the notebook, better yet any of Nicholas Sparks’s love stories! Its what makes us girls, we dream of a prince charming and falling in love while most boys dream of that cash flow they will have when they get their dream million dollar job or live the vision of their fantasy football team winning. Its also why we all have to admit that our hearts melt each and every time we hear the “I dos” at the wedding ceremony or watch an episode of Say Yes To The Dress.

My biggest weakness is the wedding tab on Pinterest.com, I could literally just scroll through the pictures and ideas for a countless amount of hours! I can easily admit I consider myself a little princess; even my little buddySiri on my iPhone calls me princess! I believe there is a reason I’m like that. My neighbor and my mom’s best friend, Kara, has impacted me as well as my outlook on love and life. She was previously a cruise director on the Disney Magic, she is definitely one of the most animated and kid-like adults I’ve ever met. She has taken my family and me on so many fantastic cruises and has taken me to Disney parks more times than I can even count! She has made me feel like a princess since I could walk, she would sprinkle pixie dust on me every time she came over. Her soft voice would repeat “Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust” with a sweet, kind smile. People always say when you’re taught something as a kid, it will stick with you. That’s probably why I still have a snow globe with five dancing princesses with each of their Prince Charmings sitting on a shelf in my room, as well as the playlists on my phone consisting of old Disney movie songs! Two of my best friends are ten and six years old, Mrs. Kara’s kids, I can’t let go of believing in fairytales because of those two.

Girls discover they are princesses at different times and in different ways. When you look up the word “princess” in the dictionary you get “A non-reigning female member of a royal family.” That isn’t my definition. I believe that a princess is a girl with outstanding and unique character, emphasis on the unique; every girl is unique and is a princess in her own individual way. This world has a stereotype for princesses and unfortunately some girls believe they can’t reach that bar that the world has set for the perfect girl. Watch the Victoria’s Secret fashion show or glance at any Sports Illustrated Magazine, no one can be that perfect. Just listen to some Hannah Montana; even she admits that nobody is perfect! Photoshop can make you feel perfect but natural beauty and your kindness of your heart truly makes you the princessyou are. No matter how filled out or skinny you are, your race, your hair, it doesn’t matter unless you make it your priority. Someone is falling in love with your flaws so embrace them. I’m not encouraging you to stop coloring your hair or waxing your eyebrows or patting on the concealer, cause sure enough I could never do that either! We all need to appreciate our inner beauty.

Follow your dreams just as if your life was a movie and always remember you’re a princess even if your not nominated on homecoming court or you don’t look like a size 00 model. My favorite saying is “Live. Laugh. Love.” Keep that in mind at whatever you do- weather you live by Dictionary.com’s version of princess or my version of a princess. Everyone’s story is different so make yours count!

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