Policemen in Our Schools | Teen Ink

Policemen in Our Schools

April 10, 2008
By Anonymous

It is really necessary to have police men with bullet prove vest in our schools walking the halls like it was a jail or harassing the students like a prisoner that has been bad. How do we expect to get more respect from other schools if you have police men walking around in bullet prove vest? You don’t Hinsdale Central or Downers Grove with police men in uniforms with bullet prove vest. This makes us look like a school that needs a lot of security. Like if the violence here is horrible. I really don’t think it is necessary to have them here. This just gives us really bad reputation and it just makes be more the “BAD” school.

Okay and assuming that we do need them in our school we as the student body should be embrerance because we all want is to be treated like adults but wejust keep on making more and more children decision.

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This article has 1 comment.

wolfwoman said...
on Sep. 9 2008 at 2:06 pm
I totally agree with you. The policemen, the security cameras, the metal detectors, etc......are a little too much for some schools. In my opinon i think it is an invasion of privacy to have cameras a nd metal detectors. Plus the cops don't even really help. People commit crimes in the real world with cops all around why would it be any different in school? I am so backing you up on that matter!