How to be a Responsible Teen | Teen Ink

How to be a Responsible Teen

February 28, 2013
By kenm1 BRONZE, Fox Point, Wisconsin
kenm1 BRONZE, Fox Point, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Teenagers can show responsibility to their parents by doing chores everyday. Also, they shouldn't lie about things. For example, say a teen’s mom said not to get a social networking account because there are a lot of crazy people out there, But the teen did it anyway. His mom found out and was really upset that he lied about having a social networking account. He got grounded and his mom could barely trust him to go places alone with his friends because of all of his lies. So he needed to show his parents he could be responsible. So when he started waking up early in the morning and walking and feeding the dog. The teen also took out the trash and did the dishes. After 1 month his mom started to notice he is getting more and more responsible. After she noticed these changes she started letting him go more places alone with his friends. Good job responsible teen!

The author's comments:
This piece will teach you a lesson on why you have to be responsible. Also, how to gain responsibility.

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