Thought is responsible for all suffering | Teen Ink

Thought is responsible for all suffering

April 5, 2013
By Anonymous

It is not the cause of suffering, but rather the means by which we can process our emotions about an issue. Yes, you can live in conditions that people may consider something that make you suffer and be very happy. the way you think about certain situations can cause you to feel more or less suffering. There are many examples of people living in grief, poverty, war who are still very happy people who do not feel the suffering so bad. The suffering is still there, but people's positive emotions towards it and hope cushion the blow of pain in their lives. My family's income has been defined by the government as poverty level. And guess what? We are one of the most loving, healthy, caring families ever. We have gone through so much and still continue to struggle, but we are so happy. we can rest in our eternal salvation and our hope for heaven. since this is our temporary home, we know that things will be much better soon and we will not feel any more pain or sadness. I am so thankful for every ounce of suffering in my life, because it has made me grow into the strong person I am today. I know that I will most likely have a lot more suffering to go through in my life, but I can deal with it because my heavenly father will always be here to guide and support me. I am never alone, and I will do great things in part because of my suffering.

The author's comments:
Creative writing class :)God is good!

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