Jealousy | Teen Ink


May 9, 2013
By Anonymous

What is life? One may think it to be just fun, religious, and adventurous but I think that life is a mixture of care, love, emotions feelings. One can spend his life by loving and caring for others or he can spend his life like a devil, which is completely up to him.
The most cherished thing about this life is success. Success can be gained by hard work or natural wits. Though, I think that the latter is not a reliable method. Just like day comes after night, moon after sun and a time of sorrow after happiness; envy comes after success.

I believe that it is in the nature of humans to long and wish for those things that he can’t have. When we see that a person is successful we envy him, we feel a sense of hatred towards him. My article is for the haters. God Almighty created all men equal. When someone becomes successful we should not envy him, instead we should take it as a rivalry.
Whoever that guy is, he has the same brain and the same everything that we have. So if he can do it, why can’t we? If we make it our heartiest desire then we can surpass him. Jealousy only keeps us in the depths, abstaining us to rise up and say “I Can do it." I have the required potential. So all the haters out there don’t be jealous. Work hard for the life that you yearn for. Think it like this way, Einstein or Stephen Hawking; both were failures in their primary grades. But they believed in themselves and they became legends. If they had spent their time in envying others they probably would have died being envious. Flame of hatred burns out the feelings of friendships. Best lads turn into broken lads. Envy brings us nothing but trouble. So, we should believe in us and our hard work. Surely God will bless us with His Blessings one day.

The author's comments:
My first article :P please criticize in any way you like :)

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