The Seventh Inning Strike | Teen Ink

The Seventh Inning Strike

June 3, 2013
By Anonymous

Lesson 3

A man walks up to a newsstand and he gets the gets a copy of the New York Times for a dollar. He sees countless amounts of talking about drugs, sexual content, and wartime injuries, treachery, arsenals, etc. The man keeps reading and then says, “Well, seems like a normal day.” Then after coming home, he turns on the TV and looks at MSNBC. They talk about a woman reporter in the Middle East whom lashed with an actual 1800’s whip. The man says, “What the hell is this backwards country doing?” Then when he reads another paper, it reads that a good number of people have the death penalty. The man does not respond to this heinous reading. He just moves to the sports section. Some people just take some heinous acts and scoot them aside, but that’s only in America. Somewhere else, it’s a f*ing field day with them. Grass-root organizations take action, but what about the people outside of the group? Do they bring some donations or some supplies, no? I try to give money to the homeless when I get the chance. I don’t have enough, but I give as much as I can afford. Everything else I can’t do because I’m young. Sure people have a lot time and money on their hands, but Christ look at the things we have. Places like Tahiti, Africa, Rio de Jainero, or Europe. The first few places have not much to consult besides exports. I know what you’re thinking; Europe had nothing to do with what I just said. Hold on there while I get some coffee…
Now, Europe may have a good plan that involves the euro. However, did you read the New York Times? Asian stocks and this have doubted the euro. “GREEK VOTERS have spared themselves, and Europe, an immediate economic catastrophe — and subjected the continent to weeks or months more of painful suspense about whether its common currency can survive.”- http://www.washingtonpost
The Central Bank stands to fortify the currency. This shows that continent has a little more on its back. What does America do? I’m not answering; it is the readers who must find the solution to this. If I’m speaking obviously, then say so. I only speak because this world doesn’t tend to care at most times. If I hate, then say so. I only speak for what I observe, and I try to see what I can do. That is the lesson.

H. Stokely

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