I Don't Get It | Teen Ink

I Don't Get It

August 2, 2013
By ocruz BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
ocruz BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be who you want to be."

"I don't get it", that's the phrase that is over used way too many times. It's mostly teenagers who say it all the time about almost everything that happens in their life. I know I've used it about a thousand times. What's there to not get? I mean it's life and in life we learn something new everyday. These "mistakes" that we do in life are actually called lessons because you learn from them. There are three things in life that I don't get.
A lot of us wonder where we go when we die. Well for those of us who actually believe in Heaven and Hell;we go to one of those places. That's not what I don't get though. Life is partially what I don't get. We live our life to the fullest and we enjoy it. Us kids go to school and then we go to college, well some of us do. Then there's marriage for some of us and we have our own children. That's when we wonder where time has gone. Our children grow up and time will pass by so fast they have their children and we become grandparents. We get so old, then we end up dying somehow. I mean is that really it? We live our life and then we are just gone like that. What about after we die? I don't get it.
Have you ever wondered why people kill themselves? I don't see why anybody would be that selfish. When you kill yourself, you don't just take away your life. You also take away the lives of your loved ones, your family, your friends, and the people who actually cared about you. Your life may seem hard and stressful to get by, but there are people who care about you and want to help. You just don't see it and decide to commit suicide and automatically go to Hell because God did not choose to take you. He would have wanted you to be strong.
Younger and older siblings find you dead in your room. They think you're just sleeping at first, they shake you and try to wake you up. Still nothing though, they start crying and call your parents into your room. Parents know when their children aren't breathing. They call 911, knowing you have committed suicide. Do they even know why? Of course not because instead of telling your loved ones what was going on in your life, you killed yourself. They could have helped you and maybe this wouldn't have happened.
Months go by and nobody can take it anymore. Your suicide affected all your loved ones and you didn't even bother to think about that before you did what you did. You thought about yourself. Your parents start arguing and fighting a lot, blaming each other for your death;they decide to get a divorce. Your siblings are so confused that they think they weren't good enough as a sibling for you. They don't think they loved you enough. They blame themselves as well. They start hanging out with the wrong group of people, getting into drugs, their grades go down. Your death changed their life. Your best friend can't live without you, so he or she try to commit suicide because they thought they weren't there for you when you needed them, so they think they deserve to die as well. Your boyfriend/girlfriend don't know what went wrong, they blame themselves. He or she start sleeping around with others to get rid of the stress, screwing up their life. You should have talked to your loved ones before you did this. They would have helped you, but now nothing would be the same for them again. I don't get any of it.
Last thing that I don't get is drunk driving. That is what I call selfish as well. How could someone think it's okay to drive drunk? They don't get the road to their self. There are others who have places to go. I know about this couple who were on their way home from the hospital with their newborn child in the back seat. They were so happy to finally take their daughter home. It was dark and their was a drunk driver in a truck behind them. The father was driving trying to get out of the drunk drivers' way. It didn't do any use, the mom was crying and freaking out. The truck hit them. The baby died instantly. The father and the mother were taken to the hospital. The drunk driver was also taken to the hospital. The father died in the hospital the next day and the mother survived. The drunk driver survived too. When the mother was ready to leave the hospital, she talked to the guy. She was crying and he kept saying "sorry" over and over again, but he knew that wouldn't bring her family back. He saw what he had done and never drove drunk again. He knew he would live with this pain in his heart forever. I will never get why people drive drunk.
Those are all the three things I don't get. I'm sure many others don't get them as well. I will eventually learn to understand.

The author's comments:
I was in Creative Writing class and read this out loud to my teacher and she loved it. She is the one who got me to go to this site. This was the first story I wrote in Creative Writing and it touched her heart. I decided to post it on here because it's one of my stories I'll always keep and have others read it.

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