The Thing I Carry | Teen Ink

The Thing I Carry

October 30, 2013
By katie.d BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
katie.d BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Mom,

Do you remember that day almost exactly one year ago when you asked me if I wanted your gold ring with the emerald in the center surrounded by the diamonds like a new spring flower? That day vividly replays in my mind quite often; usually what sparks that great memory is the sunlight making the little ring sparkle and shine and I catch a glimmer in my big brown eyes. This ring literally weighs nothing and yet anytime it is off of my finger I worry that it might not make it back there. The weight of this ring symbolically is light because it was given to me from you and you love me so much and if I were to lose it I would be devastated.The indent in my finger from wearing the ring is a reminder of the love and admiration you have for me as you trusted me with one of your most prized possessions, which surprised me because I don’t have the greatest track record for holding onto expensive things.

When went to the Jeweler’s to get the ring resized for my sausage finger, I was enthralled by all of the fancy rings, necklaces, and bracelets. I spent more time looking at the Sapphire collection because it reminded me of the beautiful Kate Middleton, with her flowing brown hair and her sapphire engagement ring from Prince William, and it made me feel like a pretty pretty princess being given a fancy ring.The balding middle-aged man with the studded diamond earring in his right ear which may have been slightly larger than his left ear, walked out and was quite friendly,helpful, and he looked educated in his profession. I felt like Muhammad Ali had sucker-punched me when the jeweler told us that the emerald was cracked and may not survive the extreme heat so they could add more gold. I also backed out and said no this ring is too important to risk it, but you felt confident in our little ring and I am so pleased that you were.

I would like to apologize for having multiple close calls with this ring, but I will do anything in my power to find it again even if means driving the speed limit back to the YMCA and dashing to the locker room to wear this little thing and being late to first hour just so I can be sure that it is right back where it belongs, my ring finger on my right hand. Do you remember when I thought I lost the ring at the Bavarian Inn in Frankenmuth. That large hotel with the endless hallways, multiple swimming pools, and large of amounts of crazed baseball players and families that weekend,I thought it was gone forever. I knew you were disappointed in my I could see it in your emerald green eyes which made me more upset because your eyes reminded me of the ring. However, you remained calm and said that if I was meant to have the ring I would find it later. I doubted you,but went along with it just because I didn't want to believe the worse. As I was sitting on that old tattered comforter in the middle of a luscious straightaway of grass right next to the fence separating the fans from the players, I opened my quilted wristlet and out slid that little ring and I wanted to cry tears of joy,but I didn't because the 16u team was around and it’s not cool to cry at a baseball game.

I would like to tell you that this is one of the most special gifts anyone has ever given me. I can wear it all the time and I am proud to say that it was yours. I feel close to you when I wear it. I feel like it has always been on my finger and I only recieved it a year ago. I can’t imagine not wearing this for the rest of my life, it completes all of my outfits, and it is beautiful. Thank you so much for this wonderful gift!


The author's comments:
We read The Things We Carry by Tim O'Brien and wrote an essay about what we as a class carry. I choose the ring my mom gave me that she wore when she was younger.

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