Domestic Violence | Teen Ink

Domestic Violence

January 8, 2014
By Lillane BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Lillane BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There's nothing in the way from keeping away from my dreams.

You are crying yourself to sleep. You are thinking about how you’ve been beaten in different types of ways. You couldn't sleep. You couldn't think. You couldn't move. You couldn't feel. You got up. You looked at yourself in the mirror, you saw cruelty bruises. Red. Blue. Purple. Hurt. You hesitated to touch one of the bruises on your left eye. You are reflecting on the hard knocked punches and the thunderous loud noises and shrieks that you experienced. The thought of it makes your brain pound back and forth furiously, and the fear smolders up against your heart even more. The cold. The sorrow. The hurt tears drain down your cheeks. As if you were nothing. As if you were thin air. As if you were….WORTHLESS? Your-self-confidence slowly drains from you like the tragic teardrops drain off your cheeks. Why you? Why in particular does it have to be you? We all wish it didn’t happen.

One in four women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. Women experience more than four million physical assaults and rapes because of THEIR partners. Not just the victims but families too. Every year three million children witness domestic violence (abuse) in their homes. Thirty to sixty % of children suffer abuse/neglect. These rates vary due to the fact that a number of children are afraid to tell that they had gotten abused. They risk injury, death and in some cases the children are afraid their parents/abusers will get into trouble..

Leslie Morgan Steiner thought she was in love. She thought she had found the perfect man, but she thought wrong!!!! She fell in love and married a man who eventually threatened her by pointing a gun at her, and trying to kill her. Yet, she stayed with him. Today Leslie tells her story. How? and Why did she stay with him? And how come she didn’t leave? Leslie was in love. You can say she was crazy in love with the man she was with. She is the “typical” domestic violence abuse victim. Leslie did not know why he was abusing her. Everytime he would abuse her, she would say she was going to leave. Then her bruises would clear up, he would be nice to her and he swore he never do it again. Then something would happen to trigger him again. His dinner wasn’t ready on time, the kids toys weren’t picked up, the dishwasher needed to be emptied again. Leslie could never keep ahead of his demands. He would threaten to kill her or kill their dog, take the car keys so she won’t try to leave etc.... She never thought once she was a battered wife. She was a very strong woman in love with a deeply troubled man. She truly believed the only person on earth who could help him face his demons was her. So she stayed with him. She didn’t have enough self esteem to walk out. Sad.

George Zimmerman, a thirty year old man, abused his girlfriend. He faced charges of aggravated assault. He was recently in trouble for shooting seventeen year old, Trayvon Martin. He was found not guilty and was put back on the streets. He is back in trouble for abusing his girlfriend. But his girlfriend won’t press charges. She said “ He is my boyfriend and I want him back”. SHE'S CRAZY IN LOVE. Sad.

Leslie Morgan Steiner was madly in love with her husband. She was abused. She was beaten. She was threatened. She was sexually harassed. She was raped. She was silent.
We can... We can speak up and speak out. We can make a change. We can make a difference for victims of domestic violence. Give victims of domestic violence the support they deserve. We are not here to watch and be bystanders. We are here to help you and support you. Domestic violence can happen anywhere and to anyone. Not matter how rich you are, what color you are, how old you are how, how educated you are. If you see domestic violence or hear of your friends, family or to ANYONE. Please speak up and speak out.

If it was you would YOU speak up?
I know I would.

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