False Diagonosis | Teen Ink

False Diagonosis

January 8, 2014
By IChooseRock BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
IChooseRock BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
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A beautiful young lady with her life ahead of her now has the idea stuck in her head that she has a medical problem. Why you may ask. All because she read it online. She started to believe all the things she read online. All the “symptoms” she automatically thought applied to her. She was diagnosing herself with a problem that was never there to begin with. Without even realizing she was creating a problem on herself causing nothing but stress and worry. A beautiful young lady that had her life ahead of her now believes she is sick with who knows what.

Things like this happen on a daily basis. People go to the internet when they feel something is wrong with them and start to diagnose themselves with things that aren’t even irrelevant to what they are feeling. They start to believe they are sick with something that could be very serious.

It is proven that the human brain starts to believe what it hears. If you keep telling yourself that you’re sick the human brain messes with the human body and then it will start to act as if it was sick. All the symptoms you read online will actually start to happen. Causing the human body to actually become sick with whatever you diagnosed yourself with. When a person starts to become trapped in an idea that they have a problem the more symptoms they read and research online the more concern they becoming causing them to become sicker. After being perfectly healthy you could become sick in a matter of days all because your mind is playing tricks on your body making it believe it is actually sick.

The human brain can play tricks on our body. For example when a person is hungry it can make the body feel full. If a person is cold it can trick the body into feeling warm. If a person is wide awake the brain can trick the body into feeling tired. It seems like the brain is what everything revolves around. If a person feels like they are getting a cold just by thinking they are they are automatically making the body less resistant to becoming ill. When people read symptoms online they are feeding the brain information that the brain will use to trick the body into thinking it is sick.

This could end up being very serious. Something as simple as reading symptoms online could end with someone being sick for a long period of time. Information like this shouldn’t be out in the internet like that. It needs to be somewhere secure. Somewhere where kids in particular won’t be able to get a hold of it. Having this information out in the open is dangerous for everyone. It messes with the brain and causes serious problems. It messes with a persons health not only physically but mentally. How would you feel if you believed you were sick with something serious? Nothing would be the same. You wouldn’t feel as capable to do things. Your life wouldn’t be the same. All because you made yourself believe you were sick.

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