Animals need love and care as well | Teen Ink

Animals need love and care as well

January 8, 2014
By KarlaMartinez BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
KarlaMartinez BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Your heart is not meant to cry even though it sometimes seems like its raining inside." ~Guatemal

imagine, the hurt, the blood, that sad puppy face. Most of all the thought of putting
animals in a boxed in area, and making them fight to the death. Biting, scratching, pushing, all the terrible thing the animals are forced/trained to do so that they win and don't die. But when an animal does win the are scared. injured. Not satisfied. They do not feel like a winner . We are not the only living creatures that need to be loved, cared for, and healthy. We need to stop acting like we are the kings of this world. because really half of the other living creatures can kill us. We need to treat animals with sympathy, love just like would for another human being.

think how ridiculous it is. To have animals forced to be in a bloody-bath fight. people do stupid things but this is by far the dumbest. People want to sell their bodies. They do that. They want to jump off a building. that's their decision.

Its their choice

But to take control of a whole other type of living creatures is horrible and disgusting. Especially since they have never done anything bad or mean to us. They are innocent animals.

Imagine someone forces you to fight another person. And if you win the make you fight again. After that, they would just put you in over and over again until you were dead.These animals didn't do anything to deserve the abuse. What people do to the animals is cruel and harsh. We are supposed to take them in and love them.

Animal fighting is very dangerous. For example did you know that about all the animals die from the fight. Either by blood loss, shock dehydration, or exhaustion. There have been many stories of people having a secret place where they hold animal fight. People might say "oh it's for entertainment and gambling.

No. Poker is gambling.
Tv, Music, sports, that's entertainment.

Not animals being forced to kill one another.
Not having animals on the sideline, that can't even watch its to horrifying.
These creatures have sad lives. The animals daily life, scared and nervous, can't even look to see who is next In line to enter the body arena.
They have made animal fighting illegal for a reason.
It's dangerous and terrible. It's disrespectful to Gods creations. It's literally animal abuse. We once abused one another. We onced owned other people. We once had slaves. But slavery stopped didn't it? We have come to learn about equality for one another. And now we need to do the same for animals. I'm not saying let them what they want. Just like children they need restrictions. They need to be trained to do the right thing.

Animal fighting is really just turning nature against one another. We do not anymore nature problems. Animal fighting is not illegal everywhere. We need to make it so no one is aloud to take animals and force them fight. There are many ways to help. And look you can stay right in your house for it. You can go on a website, contribute. For example, human society is a great way to help. Just press the search button and type in animal abuse. You can also just search animal fighting organization. We need you help to stop this terribly sad animal abuse/fighting.

The author's comments:
Animals are creatures just like us. They deserve love and care just like us. What do you think about animal fighting/ abuse

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SavenPups said...
on Jul. 3 2017 at 4:03 pm
It's great that you have the courage to speak up about what is going on every day. More and more kids are being exposed to Dog Fighting and it is extremely sick what these poor innocent dogs have to endure. We need to stand up for Gods creatures. If you see or know of any dog fighting/baiting of animals please report it and keep reporting it until someone does something to stop it. We are their only hope on surviival. Say something!!!

alyssa said...
on Sep. 19 2016 at 10:26 pm
this was pretty bad, no offense