Keep it Casual | Teen Ink

Keep it Casual

February 6, 2014
By Anonymous

Lauren Coles' "Keep it Casual" was a strong article in which Lauren helped us readers understand her perspective on much too cheesy and much too fancy dates. I can understand why Lauren would feel this way, that it is better if a boy would just make you feel nice and personal, rather than getting all fancied up and horrifying. I get it.
But, truth be told, romantic, formal dates have become a traditional way of beginning a relationship. No, a boy should never demand you to go somewhere with him. Yes, sometimes it seems really overused, unoriginal, and cheesy. But, it is also what many people consider a way of having a relationship and a way to get to know a person. It is romantic. It is nice. It is also really nice that somebody would take that time and courage and even get so nicely dressed and so proper just to get to know you better. Doesn't that make you feel great about yourself? Isn't the point to be worried about how you appear, because you'd like to appear appealing? It might be nervewrecking and too formal, but it is also something that is a way of life, and I think that dating and going out to places formally is really nice and sweet.
At the same time, we all have our own opinions, our own ways of doing things. All I am saying is that it wouldn't be horrible to go out somewhere fancy once in a while, especially for a first date, and have to be sitting there nervously, because it seems like something that is just necessary and sweet. Still, I do agree that it is nice for boys to be casual sometime, rather than getting all fancied up and nervewrecked, especially when you're down/

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 8 2014 at 12:24 am
Lauren_Coles BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Hi Anon!

I understand how formal dates and the glamour they entail may appeal to people, but I don't think they give a true idea of who a person is. I like to let guys know exactly what they're getting when they start getting to know me. Once we are very comfortable with each other, dates are a nice way to stay fresh and intimate.