Feedback Letter | Teen Ink

Feedback Letter

February 14, 2014
By annie101 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
annie101 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It has to get bad before it can get good.

Dear Teen Ink,

You have a wonderful magazine going for you. I really love reading your non-fiction section and seeing the artwork and pictures of other teens like me. I think that Teen Ink is full of wonderful ideas and has great features in it, but there is one section that I think could use a little bit of work.

Teen Ink has many great aspects about it, but I think that the poetry section could be improved on. I love the idea of the poetry section and that teens can share their poetry, but I think it needs to be improved. If people have just one section of a magazine that they don’t like, they could automatically make negative judgements that would draw them away from that magazine. I surveyed my English class and out of the 15 people who have read the poetry section in Teen Ink, all of them agree with me that it could use some work. I think that the main things that you would need to fix in order to make the poetry section better would be to make it more organized, and holding the cut-off of the poems you publish to a higher standard. By making it more organized I mean to specify, or have certain sections that state what type of poem it is. So, inside of the poetry section you would have a free-verse section, a rhyming section, haikus, or whatever it may be, separated so readers can find their favorite types of poems. Also by holding the poem cut-off to a higher standard I mean to not have as many poems, so only put in the best ones that are submitted to you. Readers want great poems that they can connect to or relate to, and not just ones that feel like they were thrown into the magazine just to add length to the magazine. Also some of them I found had a lot of editing errors. I think by eliminating some of the poems, you will eliminate those errors that could also cause negative judgements about the magazine. So the best poems should only be the ones in Teen Ink and people will respect this section more. By doing this, it will raise the overall ratings of Teen Ink, and will make it better than it already is.

Once again I hope that you will take my suggestion into consideration by organizing your poetry section, and holding the poems to a higher standard. This will improve your magazine ratings and will help draw people to the magazine. Teen Ink, you have a lot of good things going for you, and keep of the great work!


Anna T

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