Movies and video games! | Teen Ink

Movies and video games!

February 14, 2014
By Anonymous

Dear Teen Ink,

I love your magazine and I think its amazing and full of great articles. I really enjoy reading it and I like the entertainment and non-fiction sections. Your magazine is overall very good but there may be some changes that could help make it better.

I think Teen Ink should include more video game and movie reviews in their magazines. I think this because many teens including myself play video games and watch movies. These topics are very popular around the world and throughout teens lives. Each year hundreds of different movies and video games are made, watched in theatres, and sold throughout stores and online. Now is the perfect time to introduce video games in every magazine , because with the way to watch movies and entertainment online with Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, etc. Many people could have a good perspective if they want to watch it or not.

To conclude this, I believe your magazine is a one of a kind and it could improve to be the best it can be. It may also boost its ratings and give more of a variety of different articles and genres. I hope you could please make this change happen , because it would benefit Teen Ink.

Your fan,

The author's comments:
I like your magazine and i think it should include movie and video game review.

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