Genre and Book | Teen Ink

Genre and Book

February 14, 2014
By Ashy101 BRONZE, Hartland, WI, Wisconsin
Ashy101 BRONZE, Hartland, WI, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Teen Ink,

I would just like to tell you that you magazine is great, and I love reading Teen Ink, because it is nice to read something made by people my age. I do have one suggestion for you though. I think that it should tell the the writers favorite book and genre.

I think that they should tell the writers favorite book because sometimes I don’t know what books to read. If they told me their favorite book and I liked their article, it might be a good way for me to find a book. I also think that they should tell the writers favorite genre because it is nice to know what they mainly read because a lot of people write their stories in their favorite genre. When I asked the 12 kids in my class 10 of the 12 of them said they would love to know this information.

I really think that these ideas will make your magazine perfect. I love reading the video game reviews and I can’t wait till next week, when we get the next magazine at school. Please think about adding the authors genre and favorite book.



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