Inspration in 47 pages | Teen Ink

Inspration in 47 pages

February 14, 2014
By legolas BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
legolas BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can change the world with every thing you do

Hi I just wanted to say that Teen Ink rocks. It inspires teens all over the world because all the stories are written by teens. It shows that they can do great things. I’m not here to praise you for an entire letter’s worth though. I have ideas that might help your magazine inspire more teen minds to do great things.

I believe that you should add more real life experiences. It’s One thing that makes me think about things in life, and all the different experiences that people have. I like the stories that show interesting views of different lives and make me think about my life. Have you ever felt like you wanted to know more about situations that could happen to you? I love reading stories about other teens who are doing different things with their lives. I know that if you put more stories like this then more people will be inspired!

Thanks for considering this and I absolutely love Teen Ink. Also, remember more real life experience stories will make more people will love Teen Ink.


Ben N

Hartland WI

The author's comments:
Teen Ink is amazing and I hope that you keep doing what tor doing!

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