Calorie counting; a different viewpoint. | Teen Ink

Calorie counting; a different viewpoint.

February 15, 2014
By nadiac123 BRONZE, Whatsup, Other
nadiac123 BRONZE, Whatsup, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

' I hate those girls who count calories.'
How familiar is this phrase to you? When you hear this do you think of a stuck up, blonde, credit-card- loving girl who knows she is thin anyways? Do you judge those who do calorie count? Sometimes calorie counting isn't just for losing that little bit of extra weight you packed on over the holidays. Sometimes it is compulsory.
Some one with an eating disorder simply can not turn it off and simply not care about the amount of calories or fat in a donut. It's just out of the question. I do not blame those who don't know what it's like. It's not something you'd like to experience.
First off, things like drinking milk prove to be hard for people recovering from an eating disorder. Fat, fat, liquid calories. These are scary. Very scary. I myself have never experienced anorexia, and milk is still a challenge for me. Heck, even allowing myself to have a piece of fruit in between meals causes me great guilt for the remainder of the day. So, please excuse me if i refuse that delicious chocolate milkshake. Excuse me if i can't manage the ever- tempting hot chocolate which lurks in my kitchen untouchted. Excuse me if i add up my daily calorie intake to scower over it. Many girls and myself included are just doing what the controlling little voice in our heads are telling us to do. Count yourself lucky you don't have the same problem and please, the next time a girl says "Oh, that's very high in calories." don't groan and tell her to shut up. Believe me it does not solve the ongoing battle in her head whether she can eat it or not, it makes her feel like crap.

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