What's Your Letter | Teen Ink

What's Your Letter

February 18, 2014
By MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I were branded it with my own letter it would be the letter Y. It would be the letter Y because the Y stands for yappy. Yappy means to be very talkative. A moment that would show this flaw would be when I get around my friends. An example of this flaw would have been the weekend we went to Gulf Shores, Alabama for the shrimp festival volleyball tournament. On our way to Gulf Shores I would be on the bus talking to my friends. We would have a good conversation as would we were patiently waiting to arrive at our destination.
I really do not worry about my flaw because I know who I am and it describes me. Trying to change myself would really be hard for me to do. But if a made the choice to not be yappy anymore it would somewhat be a good thing. Maybe instead of me being yappy I could be an observer. I could watch others and their flaws at work. Then I would make the perception of me being an observer as a good who shows facial expressions as their way of communicating with others.
I guess this flaw would affect my perception of myself as being loud and noisy. I feel like this when I get around my best friends. Sometimes when we get together were talking so much that we don’t realize how loud we are and how noisy we can be. By us being loud and noisy we can sometimes notice ourselves disturbing others when we believe that were just having a lot of fun. I know when other people have noticed my flaw when they tell me to quiet down or to shut up. Again this makes me seem so loud and noisy.
Sometimes I feel like I am my own worst critic because I tend to give myself a hard time with who I am. Then I let other people criticize me and all they do is add on to the harsh critic that I am to myself. With me being my own critic I tend to let me say just about anything, meaning that some things I say about myself are some ways to improve me. If I feel that I am too loud or noisy I might tell myself I need to be quite today. Sometimes me being yappy can get me in trouble. So I might be quite for the day before I mess something up.
I am not mad with myself for being yappy, I just don’t want to be the quite one the everyone is worried about. If I were quite people would start to think that maybe I have so personal problem going on that could be causing me turmoil on the inside. Me being yappy allows me to open myself up to people so I can tell them how I feel about something and whether or not I am okay with a certain situation.
I would probably be asked many questions as to why I have the letter Y on my shirt and I could tell people it is a part of my life. As long as I can still say that being yappy is a good thing it should not matter what others think of me or even if they care. Too bad we are not born with a letter then maybe I would not get so many questions as to why I wear the letter Y so proudly. Not only does the Y represent who I am it makes me feel bold and daring. I feel this way because I know I could get judged for wearing my letter. But I would not be mad if I had to wear the letter Y on me because it would represent who I am and that is all that matters to me.
Just like Hester Prynne we all have a letter and have to be honest with ourselves about the stuff that we have done whether it is a mistake or not. At least Hester learned to live with what she did and endure all the hate and dislike that it came with. Even though her letter is an A and it stands for adultery doesn’t mean she is a bad person. But in my opinion she is truly a good example for all of us when it comes to living with the truth.

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