Let's Find a Cure to Bullying | Teen Ink

Let's Find a Cure to Bullying

March 25, 2014
By Turtlefever16 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Turtlefever16 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
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When you look at a child, first, you might think something is different about them. Kids are bullied for many reasons, but have you ever asked yourself these questions: Do you know what it really feels like to be hurt? What is the true meaning of bully? Has anyone pushed you past the limit? Beginning bullied is not a joke, bullies mean harm not peace. Kids are scared to go to school because they think this will be the last day on Earth.
Pain is the first word that comes to ones mind when thinking about bullies. The definition of bully is strong and meaningful, but to be the victim of a bully is more life threatening. “ Stupid, freak, chubby” these are common name calling you hear kids saying to other kids. There are four types of bullying; physical, verbal, covert, and cyberbullying. The most common bullying one will see at school more is verbal bullying. They might call you names, push you, beat you up, ruin your life, but the hardest part is to find a way out. Ways to tell if someone is bullied is if they are teased a lot, made fun of, ignored, or left out in life, and many more ways according to the National Centre Against Bullying.
Many things can define bullies, but only some understand the meaning. One definition of a bully is; to use harm against a weaker person. A typical reason why bullies bully other people is to make themselves feel stronger and to show no weakness. Other reasons people bully other people is because of their skin tone, facial structure, religion, weight, and more reasons that can make you a victim for being unique. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry say close to half of all children will experience school bullying at some point while they are at primary or secondary school. On a daily basis, at least 10 percent of kids are bullied. This is a problem that we need to address and find a way to stop this situation.
When someone gets a disease, you want to find a cure. If we can find a cure to prevent bullies, kids would not be afraid to go to school, kids would feel more safe, and kids would be accepted not for looks, but what they bring to the table. When I was in the fourth grade, I was bullied because I stood up for myself. The bully would call me names at recess, he attempted to stab me with scissors and thumb stacks, he would swear at me, and sometimes I didn’t want to go to school knowing he would hurt me. I did not attempt suicide because the thought never crossed my mind, and I could not leave my family to suffer. The bully got help at a facility, and I finished off the year with a bang! Now I want to help other kids that go through what I went through and help them find their way out to safety.
Bullying is a major problem that needs to stop. Over one-third of deaths are caused by suicide due to bullying in a year. More than 4,400 people die a year also because of being bullied. This is not right, many adults think it is a kid thing to hurt other kids, that is false. It is not a kid thing to do, when a life is put on a line, we need to come up with a solution. One solution we can do in our school is to advise students and faculty to teach them how many people have been affected by this. If we inform people about how bullying hurts people, they might try and to help teach kids that it really is not the best choice to do. From 5 Ways to Stop Bullying and Move Into Action program they say a solution we could use in our school is dialogue to help the students speak out their mind. From Stop Bullying they believe a solution we can use in a community that is “bullying can be prevented, especially when the power of a community is brought together. Community-wide strategies can help identify and support children who are bullied, redirect the behavior of children who bully, and change the attitudes of adults and youth who tolerate bullying behaviors in peer groups, schools, and communities”. If the whole world understands that everyone is different in their own way, instead of picking on them, why not help pick them up. I want bullying to end, help me achieve that goal and together we can make a better nation. Another solution our nation can prevent bullying according to Stop Bullying say “Across the country, local leaders are stepping up to address bullying. Our Bullying Prevention Training Modules are designed to provide individuals with research-based tools and resources to organize effective bullying prevention efforts in their communities”. If we can have a Bullying Prevention Training Center all around the world, we can inform everyone how to stand up to a bully instead of backing down.
In conclusion, throughout the years, children have been suffering due to bullying. I know I want to stop bullying. This is one of the most major issues we have in America. Let’s find a cure.

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