i am a velociraptor | Teen Ink

i am a velociraptor

April 14, 2014
By Anonymous

light, sleek, quick, and deadly; the velociraptor and me. only out for himself, he races through the land prowling for his next kill the velociraptor is ferocious, fast and nimble he encounters his prey: a stegosaurus. (bulky and clumsy) he circles quick to gain the stegosaurus attention. the stegosaurus grows and stomps its feet to warn off the velociraptor, unaware velociraptors hunt in a pack.

with the attention on one the stegosaurus is attacked from behind. quick slits to its legs bring the stegosaurus to its knees. circling their prey the velociraptors nip at the stegosaurus slowly breaking it down. with a pool of blood and slow painful moan the stegosaurus is on its last breath. the pack stands and watches the giant beast, broken. with one last thrash to the jugular the stegosaurus is no more.

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