Vaccinations For Children | Teen Ink

Vaccinations For Children

May 27, 2014
By Anonymous

Vaccinations For Children
All through out the course of history disease has been the number one predator towards humanity. We all remember what happened to Europe and Asia during the medieval period with the Black Plague; millions of people were slaughtered by a tiny organism that they could not see with their bare eyes. It has always been a silent killer until scientist Edward Jenner created the first vaccine. People have been lucky with this creation and it has even wiped out one deadly virus that used to kill hundreds of people a year. Recently though, its use has been almost abused and used on viruses that will never be exterminated because they evolve and adapt every year. Kids are required among most states to get these vaccinations, which also eradicate some religious beliefs of no modern day medication. When given flu vaccines “31% over the age of two… are known to contract the virus after a shot” (CDC). So, although viral disease is an epidemic everyday, it doesn’t mean children are any safer with vaccines because a virus is receiving an immediate host. You wouldn’t let your child around a sick child, so what’s the difference? A doctor is supervising the visit?

When I was younger I dreaded yearly check ups at the doctors. The last two I had gone to consisted of me getting a shot for a couple of viruses. I hated the feeling and nurses even had to constrain me as a four year old. Now is a different story. I’m a healthy teenager with no health issues at all. Every year they come out with a new flu shot and I never have gotten one and, yet, I still somehow am able to not contract the flu virus. Not even one time. Although this isn’t the case with every one, this does decrease the probability in sickness amongst kids. “Children under the age of two are given a series of vaccines to prevent from illnesses such as the small pox, polio, and measles, which are viruses that the body at a young age can become immune to. The flu puts them at higher risks for illness… Although it is mild, they have higher risks of contracting the flu as adults” (CDC). Children also given the vaccine could be at a higher risk for hospitalization. People with fever are also 25% more likely to contract the flu from the vaccination as well.

The basis of our country was built on the freedom of religion. Although many Americans in the present don’t have as strong (or any) religion as back in the 1700s. But, the people who do still practice religion have a personal decision against medical care for their family. Although some people might find that decision somewhat crazy, people still do have their rights to a certain belief. Some parents believe through prayer to heal their children through disease and required vaccinations prevent their beliefs to happen. Yes, this could be horrible on some cases such as cancer care, but then again, cancer isn’t always healed from radiation as well. The subject is touchy, but the consideration on parental rights should be number one compared to the government trying to take over a family’s belief and life.

Recent studies have shown that vaccinations possibly could trigger auto-immune disorders that could cause children pain in the future. Pains and diseases such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and GBS have a constant progression through a child’s life. It will harm them through out their lives and will only cause more pain. According to Tishler and Shoenfeld in their article “Vaccination May be Associated with Autoimmune Diseases” they use the specific vaccines like HBV and tetanus, which are required by school districts from around both Europe and North America, to show which diseases they can cause. Though these shots do protect children in many cases, they can also harm others in many others. In my view, this only means you’re replacing one disease with another.

So why should children be required to have these shots with such risks and freedom among families? Well, vaccinations do have their positives. They do more protection for children than harm amongst recent studies. As much as 33,000 deaths are prevented each year since vaccinations have been invented. This isn’t just for the H1N1 virus, but as well with the infants of mothers who has Aids when injected with the retrovirus vaccine. But most children are already healthy enough as is and receive their immune system strength through the breast milk from their mothers. Therefore, vaccines for children are an unnecessary choice amongst most individuals and can be used without.


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