Aliens Exist | Teen Ink

Aliens Exist

May 23, 2014
By Anonymous

When our generation was younger, some of us use to hear stories about flying saucers, alien abductions, crop circles, and little, green creatures walking on Earth. When hearing these stories, some of us got scared of the idea or felt it was a dumb, childish story. Either way, it put an idea in our heads that there is a possibility of another intelligent life on a different planet. Our solar system is only a dot compared to all in the universe, and no one truly knows what’s exists in further space. NASA has found a planet capable of sustaining human life, but since it’s in a different solar system NASA has yet to explore the planet for existing life. Although some may disagree with the idea, but alien life does exist because planets have been found similar to Earth and there are signs on our planet that they have tried contacting us.
The universe is a questionable and vast area that humans are still exploring today. There are many planets that have yet been discovered, but from the planets already discovered scientists have found helpful information to push finding extraterrestrial life. “Astronomers using NASA data have calculated for the first time that in our galaxy alone, there are at least 8.8 billion stars with Earth-sized planets in the habitable temperature zone” ( That is just in our galaxy and there are 100-200 billion galaxies in the universe. Therefore with many planets in space, who are we to assume that intelligent life doesn’t exist. An astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson states, “The numbers are, well, astronomical: If the count of planets in our solar system is not unusual, then there are more planets in the universe than the sum of all sounds and words uttered by every human who has ever lived. To declare that Earth must be the only planet in the cosmos with life would be inexcusably egocentric of us,” ( Tyson explains in his article, “The Search for Life in the Universe”, how we are not alone in the universe because of how big the universe is with so many possible planets for life. One cannot disregard the idea that extraterrestrial life could exist on a planet out in space that we have not found yet.
UFOs, alien abductions, and extraterrestrial life walking among humans are what most people grew up hearing as stories just to scare each other around the campfire, but for some people it meant more than just a story. About 40 million Americans believe they have seen or know someone that has seen an unidentified flying object (UFO), and a growing number believe they’ve actually met aliens ( With such a large number of people claiming for witnessing UFOs, the idea furthers that possibly extraterrestrial life has been on Earth before. Even if alien life hasn’t touched Earth, a person can still suspect that alien life is trying to contact us. Crop circles appear every week somewhere around the world, and the first known crop circle was in 1678 ( Although many crop circles were admitted to be hoaxes, the remaining few that are not hoaxes have not been explained even by scientists for how they were created. Many people believe that extraterrestrial life has a connection with crop circles and these are signs that they want to communicate with us. Either this is just a weird phenomenon happening on Earth, or an alien life is trying to contact the human race. Even though there is no hard facts on UFOs and crop circles, there are witnesses and it all comes down to trusting those witnesses words for their past experiences.
There are certain locations on Earth that were changed so particular that most people can’t explain how the locations got this way. The Pyramids of Giza were made in the Egyptian era, so how can the pyramids align to the Orion’s belt perfectly? “Giza consists of two almost equally tall pyramids and a smaller one which is only 53% of the height of the other two. The belt of Orion consists of two almost slightly bright stars, and one with only 50% of the brightness of the other two,” ( The brightness of the stars even relate to the size of the pyramids, also the way the pyramids were made can’t even be made today with modern technology. From what it seems like the Egyptians couldn’t have created these pyramids by themselves and many believe they got help from alien creatures. The Stonehenge was built nearly 5000 years ago and took 1500 years to build. No technology was made that far back to be able to move those boulders to that position and stack them that particular way. Also it represented a believed model of the Neolithic Solar System, they believed it consisted 9 planets ( There is no scientific explanation to the landmarks or how they got the way they are. The connection with space to the pyramids and Stonehenge are too exact to point that it questions the thought if extraterrestrials have helped us in some way in history. These unexplained phenomena are connected to alien life and could possibly be trying to send us a message to find them.
The existence of alien life can be terrifying for a few, therefore those few may not believe in the option of alien life at all. Human life could be the only intelligent life and Earth could be the only planet capable of sustaining life. When it comes to alien and UFO sightings, the stories could be made up for a good joke and some people may have taken it too seriously. Also the government has denied so much of extraterrestrial life on Earth that it must be true that they are not real. Still how could we know that the government could be covering it up all for our own good, or that they are hiding so much more from us? Yet there is no hard data nor facts to state that extraterrestrial life exists, but where does it say that there is no more intelligent life? Although the landmarks could have been built by machines we have not found yet, but it still doesn’t explain how they are so exact to the stars and space. Alien life on other planets may not be possible, but there is too much going for that there is alien life on a separate planet.
“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying,” quote from Arthur C. Clarke. Space is too vast for us to be alone, too many stories have been told of encounters, and strange landmarks insist that extraterrestrial life does exist. Although some may deny that there are alien life, when actually it is more possible that there is alien life on a similar planet to Earth. NASA has yet to explore the planets possible for life, but if they get more support they could be able to put more effort on finding actual life on another planet. Also more people should accept the fact that we are not alone in space and give a little more slack to those who believe in extraterrestrial life. Even though the life not yet found won’t be as Hollywood or we imagined it to be, it will be one step further for mankind once alien life is found.

The author's comments:
I've always been scared of the thought of aliens, but I still believed that they exist. I felt like studying if they could exist or do would help me understand a little bit more.

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