Teacher stress and Burnouts | Teen Ink

Teacher stress and Burnouts

May 23, 2014
By brandon00 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
brandon00 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One of the most challenging professions today is teaching (Gitunda) Teaching is important because you need to learn how to do stuff so when you get older you know everything you need to know. Some say it’s not the students’ fault if a teacher is stressed, but we must improve discipline to decrease teacher stress because it makes teaching less enjoyable and takes the teacher away from instruction.
Teaching is less enjoyable because of student misbehavior causing stress. Two things that can cause teachers to stress out and want to quit is student’s behavior with disrespect and not being involved with their work. Ways that students can disrespect teachers is by talking back, yelling and complaining. “New teachers are naïve and are filled with optimistic and go through the first two months with confidence just to realize that they are being put down by student’s every day (Gitundu). Not doing work can cause grades not to improve. When students grades don’t improve eventually if you don’t get them up you will flunk which makes the teachers look like there not helping make students go on with their life. ‘’They give so much time to students who might not be keen to show appreciation” (Gitundu).
A teacher being away from instruction is caused from mostly student’s behavior. The teachers are focused on correcting the students rather than doing the more important thing which is teaching the students what needs to be taught. Teacher’s reactions to student’s behavior can takes up a lot of time. When students get into trouble teachers can take up a lot of time trying to talk to the students, sending them to the office or calls home when not prepared. “Teachers need to influence appropriate student behavior to maximize the time spent on learning”. (Longert)
Some say it’s not the students’ fault if a teacher is stressed and I can personally agree with that. I can say that teachers are not just stressed out over students but also over what’s happening at their

house. Teachers can also be stressed out over work or there job but not the students. Some teachers also stress over coworkers. “You can be sure that pupils will always find some way of making you unhappy and leave you wondering how you are going to deal with the situation”. (Gitundu) Teachers might come to school stressed over something that happened at home then come to school and students can make it worse.
Some students say teachers are stressing over the students but students say it’s something else. One way a teacher can avoid stress is by resting and eating healthy. If teachers were less stressed out it would be better for the students and the teachers. Teachers should give students more freedom once they have done what they needed to be done like there school work or class work or anything that needs to be done.

The author's comments:
i picked this topic because it might help teachers in the future.

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