Vegetarian | Teen Ink


May 30, 2014
By mariahbug BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
mariahbug BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"life is short, so expand it as fas you can"

Let me explain what is a little bit first. Being a vegetarian is basically when you decide to completely cut meat products out of your diet completely; absolutely no steaks on the BBQ on those Friday nights or those chicken fingers mom makes for us for dinner after a hard day at school. Some people find this as a cruel and unusual punishment but is it really?

Let’s start with a couple reasons meat can be somewhat helpful people say. It is shown that eating meat help can help with weight loss and that it supplies healthy saturated fats that our bodies supposubley need according to the Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology. But is all this even true, I mean can we believe everything we see on the internet or should we base it of our own thoughts and what our guts are telling us?
Moving right along to the so- called “Why slaughtering is basically okay”. A statistic shown that Lean red meat, eaten in moderation, can be a healthful part of a balanced diet, and if that’s the case, who cares if a cow is being slaughtered and taken away from humanity right? Modern slaughter techniques lower the suffering of animals. US slaughterhouses must conform to the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act. Okay, do you hear yourselves? Slaughtering? Really?

Let’s go on to the good stuff. The health benefits outweigh this selfish want to many. It is shown that lowering your intake on meat consumption lowers many health risks. That whole thing I was talking about earlier with eating meat helps with weight loss, not so true. It is been shown from a peer-reviewed 2003 Oxford University study that the obesity from meat eaters and non-meat eaters were shocking. Here’s the big picture, there was a lot more obese people on the meat eater side. Oh! All those rumors about how vegetarians don’t get the necessary amount of nutrients? Nope! A vegetarian diet can meet protein requirements and have all the essential amino-acids, According to the American Dietetic Association.
What about the animals? Raising animals in confinement is cruel. About 50% of meat produced in the United States comes from Confined animal feeding operations where animals live in filthy, overcrowded spaces. Coming from many animals lovers, and being one myself; eating meat comes off to many as just being a little selfish to that animals; if we have the technology and supplements that can supply the nutrients we need, What’s the point?

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I enjoyed writing it

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