The Scarlet Letter and Keeping up with the Kardashians | Teen Ink

The Scarlet Letter and Keeping up with the Kardashians

June 21, 2014
By Dalton Wells BRONZE, Union, South Carolina
Dalton Wells BRONZE, Union, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I felt that The Scarlet Letter would best relate to the assignment because it has a great deal of religious undertone, revenge, secretes, and sins. Believe it or not, but The Scarlet Letter relates to the real world today, especially with modern day TV. TV is not the same as it was back then. It now shows people having affairs, people tell lies, and holds very many secrets. I guess that is how TV shows get so big. That’s why I believe that The Scarlet Letter and modern day TV connect so well together.

My first example would be Keeping Up with the Kardashians. It’s a TV show that updates new episodes weekly. It is nothing but drama, lies, and has a lot of secrecy. I would say that Kim is more like Hester than anyone. Kim made an intercourse tape with Ray-J and once it was out, it was out. It was all over the news, media, and every website possible. The public had their eye out on her, just as they did for Hester Prynne. When the townspeople found out she had a hidden affair with Reverend Demmsdale, but of course that was found out later in the novel.
The next example is when Kim and Hester were given a unique gift that represented what they did. Now when I say gift, I don’t mean something nice. If anything it was something humiliating to show what they did was wrong. However, it was supposed to make them feel humiliated, bad for what they did, but somehow they got more attention from the public then they ever have in their lives. When the media found out what Kim did, she was put on blast. She made the headlines for any and every newspaper articles, magazines, and news. When the town’s people found out what Hester did, she wore an “A” on her chest to represent that she had an affair with another man while married.

Lastly, both Kim and Hester were alone throughout the whole situation. Kim received all of the negative, hate full attention while Ray-J was doing his own thing. When his name was reviled for Kim and his intercourse tape, it was like no one paid attention to him. It was the fact that Kim Kardashian did a crazy, outrageous thing like that. With Hester Prynne, she wouldn’t reveal Reverend Demmsdale’s name because still loved him and the fact that he was a priest. He would have been condemned for what he did. He wore an “A” on his chest; because he knew what he did was wrong.

In the end, they all sinned. They did what they weren’t supposed to do. That is why I believe that Kim and Hester could relate to a lot. They both were known for what they did. They both had gifts that were not so polite and also they suffered in the situation alone. It’s funny because life back then and reality now are so much alike. These are some of my thoughts on how I feel things relate to one another.

The author's comments:
Just my opinions.

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