Existential Crisis | Teen Ink

Existential Crisis

January 15, 2015
By Tovar BRONZE, Weston, Florida
Tovar BRONZE, Weston, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

New Years Eve is a night filled with endless possibilities and a time that is occupied by rethinking what you accomplished in the past twelve months. Some look back and think "What a great freaking year" and some others regroup somberly over the wishes they never succeeded. In my case, I fall in the line between where I look at myself and think "I don't really know what I accomplished." I began writing this out of frustration that was bottling inside of me for the entire crappy year of 2014 and I mark this as the first piece of writing in 2015 and the beginning of my true writing path. The frustration I felt and am feeling at the moment came from months of wasted time I spent daydreaming of what I could have and what I wanted to accomplish and conjuring up goals that I seemingly wanted to reach. But I've come to realize that I wasted tremendous amounts of time wanting and not doing. For how can I even accomplish what I wish without doing the work to get there? With all this in thought I admit and fully disclose that I am the laziest and lethargic person out there, I would rather sit on my bed and watch the hours go by than get up and do the activities I need to learn in order to get to where I want to be. And it's such a sad thing that when I look back at the last year I remember virtually nothing besides my roadtrip to New York over the summer. I remember more from when I was about five years old and living in Minnesota, where I played happily in the snow and my worst fear was not having something cool to show at show and tell. Yet those first five years of my life were the most memorable I've ever had. I like to put the blame on my life in Florida for my indifference, claiming this godforsaken humid hole was the reason I wasted the first two years of my high school life doing nothing. However I cannot and refuse to distinguish between whether I'm being too hard on myself or I really didn't get anything done in 2014 because it's the past and I simply cannot redo it and I don’t want to dwell on it too much. But what I can do is replenish myself with intellect and cleverness to get my head back down to earth. And what frustrates me the most is that I now point the finger at another factor for my aimless meandering; technology, for ruining the possibilities I never acquired. Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, you name it are what took over these past two years and it's such a sad thing that I allowed myself to succumb to it so deeply. I'm disgusted at myself for not accomplishing what I wanted because of something so petty and this goes to confirm that technology really does corrupt you in ways you don't even realize. I've seen some things on Twitter that seriously peeve the heck out of me, things like worshiping so-called celebrities who have accomplished nothing besides exploiting their vices or saying New Year’s resolutions are "stupid". Seriously? That's what makes me the angriest. New Years is about recapping and rethinking what you've done in your life so why is it suddenly is it tacky to make resolutions? You better believe I made my New Year’s resolutions and you better believe I'm going to do everything I can to accomplish them. I really hope that the people in my generation will be studying their butts off every day to get good grades and go to a top college or work hard on the things they want to do well in life. It's so important to be intellectual and know about life. It doesn't matter what you know about- politics, psychology, literature, diplomatic relations- but at least have some education over an academic subject. Education is SO important and all that stuff on Twitter about your GPA not having to do with how educated you are is complete bullocks. Take pride in being smart because it’s definitely not “uncool” to immerse yourself in your studies or be good at an academic subject.

Do well in school, do well in what you like. Don't perform an activity half-heartedly. Get off social networks and educate yourselves in interesting subject matter.

The author's comments:

Meandering on social networking to see what my generation was going on about sparked my mind with a rush of inspiration to write whatever I was feeling at the moment. It was a great feeling to voice my thoughts in this way-- although the original piece is a lot more vulgar.

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