Cell Phones Are Bad | Teen Ink

Cell Phones Are Bad

February 16, 2015
By Anonymous

In general, people should limit cell phone usage because they are dangerous.This is because they can be distracting,harmful,and can cause reckless behavior.

Cell Phones are dangerous because they are distracting. More accidents happen from texting and driving than drinking and driving, speeding,etc. Texting and Driving is bad because when you are texting while driving you can not see the road.Its not just texting and driving while they are distracting they can also be addicting. You know when you get a new game on your phone, and that is all you want to do. You can also be talking on the cell phone while you are driving so you are driving with one hand. You can buy a new car that has all the high tech gadgets in the car or you can just not use a cell phone in your car.

Cell phones are not only distracting, but harmful. Cell phone transmitter and antennas send out radio waves that can cause cancer.Not only can it cause cancer, but it can wreck your brain. In the article I read I found that Researchers have found out that radio waves sent off from cell phones can hurt your brain says the Journal of the American Medical Association. A lot of parents allow their kids to play on their phones, but what if they knew it could hurt them. Cell phones are bad!

Do you know bullying rarely happens at school? It happens all over the internet. Cyberbullying is one of the most well known topics around today.Bullies don’t do it to their faces now they do it on social media like Twitter,Facebook,Ask Fm,Instagram, and many more. What about inappropriate photos of themselves. You don’t know what you are doing. You guys could break up or dislike each other and then that person could post things on social media that you do not want. If those pictures get out you can be fined a lot of money for just a click of a button. Most people are making ads about Cyber Bullying and Inappropriate Pictures.

You know about cell phones now and how dangerous they can be so make a decision to be careful what you do. Don’t get distracted by the phones and don’t ever be on your phone too long or you could be harmed.

The author's comments:

This is a piece I wrote for my Comm Arts Class are teacher gave us topics and we wrote about them.

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