Legalizing Gay Marriage | Teen Ink

Legalizing Gay Marriage

January 8, 2016
By laurenfoster BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
laurenfoster BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We have the right to express ourselves in our own way of choosing. June 26, 2015(The Premier Online Debate Website | D...) supreme court says states can no longer ban same sex marriage. I believe same sex marriage should be legal in all states because it will increase adoption rates, decrease divorce rates, and to gain equality.
Same sex marriage should be legal in all states to increase the adoption rates.”Same sex couples can’t create a baby so adoption is the next best thing.”(“The Premier Online Debate Website |”)Today same sex couples are considered as potential parents. Allowing same sex marriage will help those couples who want to start a family to do so while slowly increasing adoption rates, making children and adults happier.”It’s a stratospheric increase. It’s like going from zero to 60.” says Miami attorney Elizabeth Schwartz(McEwen) Same sex couples adopting children can be good for the children and also the couple themselves. They are both eventually happy and both want a family and the family experience that you can’t normally get somewhere in a place like an adoption center.According to huffington post,”About 21,740 same sex couples had adopted children in 2009,up from 6,477 in 2000.

Same sex marriage should also be legal to decrease the divorce rates in all states. “On average,same sex couples divorce at an average rate of 1.1 percent compared to 2 percent between heterosexual pairs.”(McEwen) I think same sex couples are least likely to divorce because it’s sort of like they’ve found their true one, rather than heterosexuals who go through a numerous amount of people. Unlike same sex couples, heterosexuals don’t have that special connection like same sex couples do. “Across three states, the number of same sex couples who marry have doubled from 2012 to 2013.”(“The Premier Online Debate Website |”)Same sex couples don’t weaken the thought of marriage, but i’ve learned that they are actually most likely to stay married than straight couples. So, therefore same sex couples are most likely to survive a marriage rather than heterosexual couples.
Lastly, same sex marriage should be legal to gain equality for our community and everyone in it. “Preventing same sex marriage is saying discrimination is ok.”(“Top 10 Lists - ListLand”) It’s not okay to say one thing is ok, but just by switching it up a bit is wrong, it’s not fair. “Straight couples get married for love,but also to claim access to more than 1,000 legal protection rights and benefits that come with marriage licenses,some of which are denied to married gay couples.”(“The Premier Online Debate Website |”)It’s unfair that one thing is acceptable but when you switch that same thing up it’s no longer acceptable. It’s like saying a baby can have a lollipop but a toddler can’t. Same sex couples should get the same benefits and such as straight couples do. Our world is supposed to be made equal and this doesn’t make it any better.

Some might say gay marriage is ok and acceptable but others say it should not be enforced. Some say, marriage should be between women and man. Honestly, not everyone or everything has to say they can only do this or only do that. Another thing is that  some people who disagree might say that marriage is to recreate, it shouldn’t carry on to same sex couples because they can’t reproduce. If you could look in every state and city and see how many kids haven’t been adopted, same sex couples will surely enough ad7opt if they truly wanted to start a family[which most do]. Then those kids can then reproduce and continue the cycle. Some argue that children need both a mother and father. A child doesn’t necessarily need both a dad and mom to survive. Perhaps maybe the certain logic on what moms and dads have learned when they were little.There are about a million other reasons and answers why gay marriage should be legal, but some of the main ones are adoption, bringing down divorce rates, and most importantly the equality our community could eventually gain.

Same sex marriage should be legal for some of  3 main reasons. Increasing adoption rates and decreasing divorce rates, and gaining equality our community and others should have for each other. No matter what you wear, who you decide to be with or anything else. There are tons of openly and non-openly gays all around us, they might not know it just yet, but they are there. If we just sat and talked to one or two, maybe this situation could take a big turn in the right direction for good.

Works Cited

McEwen, Alvin. “Celebrating Our Rights to Marry While Acknowledging the Psychological Scars.” N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2016.
“The Premier Online Debate Website |” N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2016.
“Top 10 Lists - ListLand.” Top 10 Lists | N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2016.

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