The Horrid Places the Band-Aids Hide | Teen Ink

The Horrid Places the Band-Aids Hide

May 29, 2018
By LlamaLuke BRONZE, East Lansing, Michigan
LlamaLuke BRONZE, East Lansing, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have always had a horrible phobia of band-aids. Both used or unused. Band-aids are always bringing up the speculations of where they have been, along with what they have touched. I have made a list of the top 5 worst places I could conceptualize discovering a band-aid.


In the bathroom or locker room: Finding a band-aid at a bathroom is terrible; Finding it in a bathroom that’s not your own is the worst. It could be stuck on the floor; On the shower wall. No matter where in a bathroom you find a band-aid it is still repulsive. If the bathroom is not yours, for example a locker room. You do not know whose it is furthermore where it has been, or even how long it has been there.
Stuck in your clothes: Unfortunately my family is what I call a band-aid family. Whenever anyone gets any cut or scrape then you slap a band-aid on it and all is good. Where do these band-aids end up though? Whenever someone changes the band-aid usually comes off along with the clothing. This then ends up in the washer/dryer consequently in anyone else's clothes. I don’t even use band-aids, and I am constantly peeling them out of my socks.
Bottom of your shoe: Throughout the day you walk to many places, and in these places it is always likely you may step on many nauseating things. Including poop, gum, but the worst scenario will always be getting band-aids under yours shoe. Having walked many places, and then imagining which of those locations it may have come for could make anyone vomit, because like most band-aid cases it usually ends with the innocent person who must deal with it having to peel it off. 
The pool: This must be the worst place because the band-aids are everywhere. They are floating, sinking, laying in the gutter, even falling off of someones body! It’s repulsive! They are the demons of the pool making everyone want to scramble out and never come back.
Your food: Revolting, but probably the most concerning one. I only thought about this because since most people know of my hatred towards band-aids. They like to joke with me about the topic, like “Look out for that band-aid on your sandwich Luke!” Or the good old, “Looks like I lost my band-aid chew your spaghetti slowly guys.” That’s just dinner with my family. I didn’t know how common this was until I did some research. In LA, a woman bit into her McDonalds hamburger; Biting into a bloody band-aid concealed inside. Somehow she did not think this was a big deal. Later on she mentioned it to her doctor; They wanted her to get tested multiple times for any diseases due to the band-aid, so for the cost of the testing plus anxiety as well as stress she sued McDonalds $5,348. If you are anything like me, you may have just thrown up. 

Unfortunately band-aids will always remain in our lives. Most people just consider them to be too necessary. As innocent victims to this issue the only way we will have to deal with it is just by peeling them off and conceivably a lawsuit, if the issue is too unruly.

The author's comments:

I have always had a horrid fear of band-aids, I do hope to find others with ways to relate.

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