Now or Never | Teen Ink

Now or Never

June 15, 2023
By AA3 SILVER, Virginia, Virginia
AA3 SILVER, Virginia, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wildfires have been surging globally, and Canada is not exempt. Recently, there has been a wave of wildfires within Canada, which have become an issue of concern for many U.S. residents due to the transboundary nature of air pollution. According to CBS News, “more than 100 wildfires are burning across the Canadian border in Quebec and Ottawa.” In an effort to aid Canada, Joe Biden has sent more than 600 firefighters and other firefighting assets. Wildfires are a present and ominous threat to all global citizens. However, some individuals have a different perspective on this issue. Many Republican politicians have been arguing that the wildfires, which have coated the east coast of the U.S. with smoke and haze, and have made the air unhealthy to even inhale, are natural occurrences that United States citizens should not worry about. They cite the climate in Western states as their justification. According to Politico, House Natural Resources Chair Bruce Westerman even said, “I’m guessing people in most Western states would laugh at this being called poor air quality.” However, the effects of poor air quality are far from a laughing matter. The degraded air quality resulting from these wildfires carries severe health implications such as exacerbating respiratory conditions, and increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This can especially be impactful for many vulnerable populations, including children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing respiratory ailments. The recent decline in air quality is a consequence of the global community’s negligence toward climate change. The surge in forest fires brought about by rising temperatures and droughts (common effects of climate change) exacerbates the risk of future air quality crises. As a global community, we must unite together to advocate for pro-climate change legislation. Now is the time for action, failure to act will leave future generations carrying the irreversible burden of climate change.

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