Crashers in the White House | Teen Ink

Crashers in the White House

January 11, 2010
By gymchik6494 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
gymchik6494 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
13 articles 23 photos 0 comments

Members of the Secret Service and guests of President Obama were shocked when informed a couple went under the radar and slipped into the White House undetected.

Tareq and Michaele Salahi, a couple yearning for media attention, were seen last week at Obama’s administration state dinner in honor of the Indian Prime Minister. What had secret service scrambling? The Salahis were not on the guest list.

Evidence shows the Salahis wanted to be seen. They took pictures for the media and dressed up. Tareq wore a dark Red Indian styled wrap dress and her husband sported a well pressed tuxedo.

The couple states they were on the guest list and are embarrassed by the confusion. Secret service is working together viewing video tapes and guards on duty during the incident. Still, no one has found evidence of how the couple got in.

"This is no laughing matter," said Mark Knoller, a member of the Secret Service, to CBS News. "No one is supposed to get into this building or onto these grounds that isn't invited."
The Secret Service is shaken by their flaw in the system, and talk is circulating of the possibility of terrorist entering the White House under these conditions. The Salahis are facing up to 16 civil law suits.


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