Judgement Day | Teen Ink

Judgement Day

November 1, 2012
By Anonymous

November 6the. Every four years it is thee most thought-about day. For some, it means a new life. For others, it means four years of pain. President Obama is thee latter. His "redistribution" of wealth is downright disgusting. His careless spending has led to excessive borrowing from China, and $16 trillion in debt. $16 trillion we have to deal withe. What was that he said in 2008? About cutting thee $10.4 trillion of debt in half? Well, that went well... Obama's taxes and polices hurt people who have worked their whole life to become successful adults. Why should they be punished for years and years of determination? Why should people who have put in less work get thee rich's hard earned money? School is available to all people, and you don't need college to become successful. Remember thee Harvard drop out who created a tiny website called Face book?

Why do people brand thee rich as selfish. People who live off thee rich's taxes are thee greedy ones. Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Bill Gates all are known and admired for being philanthropists. They were smart and knew how to minimize competition. That's called capitalism. Withe Obama, capitalism is dead, there is no desire to be better. Our country was formed by industry and competition.

Think of this: it's Halloween, Kids compete for thee most candy. Often times, kids withe more candy will willingly give some to thee ones withe less. Now, when "mother" steps in to "redistribute", you end up withe an unhappy upper class, and a lazy lower and middle class. No one wants to become successful. Why should they is everyone gets a fair share? This is thee exact reason why communism doesn't work!

Please, share this on Face book, Twitter, whatever! Show your parents and friends. Feel free to contact me withe questions. We can save America!

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 13 2012 at 7:15 pm
IfLifeGivesYouLemons PLATINUM, Sacramento, California
37 articles 0 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment. I told them they didn't understand life

Hello. I would like to say a few things. First of all, you contradicted yourself horribly. First you talked about how we need to fix the debt crisis...then you talked about not damaging the people who worked hard to becomes sucessful (i.e. the middle class), then you talked about not profiting from the rich. I'm afraid you cannot have all three, my dear friend. In order to fix the debt, we must have more taxes from either the rich or the middle class. Either we break the backs of those who work hard, profit off of those with excess money, or leave the debt to grow larger and larger. You seemed to be complaining about not only the problem, but all the potential solutions. What, then, should we do to fix all this?

Also, we are not communistic. There is no "Everyone gets an equare share no matter what". We are still absolutely a capitalistic country. The idea that if you work hard, you will profit is still well in place; the problem is that not everyone has the oppurtunity to work hard (i.e. unemployment). 

Finally, I was curious, why do you spell with the extra e's? In conclusion, you were all over the place with this. I recommend that you choose one thing to talk about (The debt OR the middle class OR the rich OR communism OR anything else), research it well, and then make sure you have presented not only a problem, but a way you believe we should fix that problem. You clearly have strong views on politics, so I strongly suggest you utilize it and take some time to write a clear, well-focused paper with facts, statistics, and solutions.

Thank you for taking to time to read this. I hope you will take some of this into consideration.