Cristina Kirchner, Good President? | Teen Ink

Cristina Kirchner, Good President?

November 12, 2012
By Anonymous

Cristina Kirchner, the actual president of Argentina, is causing the country a lot problems. She doesn’t seem to care in which direction she is taking the country, and doesn’t realize all the bad things she already has done to it. People know this, but they don’t do anything to stop her.
The only reason she is the president, is because her husband told her to do it. 5 years before she became president, her husband was in power. After he completed 8 years as the president, he put his wife as a candidate. He only did this so that he could control her, and have power over Argentina again. After he died, Cristina kept on running as president, only winning because she paid money to the poor people in exchange for her vote. This goes against the values of democracy. The votes should be true, honest, and based on you real choice for president, not the money they pay you.
In the last 5 years, she has only done bad things. She has shut down the import and export business, making people loose their jobs. Great companies have left the country because of this reason. Small agricultures and many more have lost their jobs. The gap between rich and poor is becoming bigger and bigger.
During the first days of her presidency, Argentina's relations with the United States deteriorated as a result of allegations made by a United States assistant attorney of illegal campaign contributions, case known as the “maltinazo”. According to these allegations, Venezuelan agents tried to pressure a Venezuelan American to lie about a suitcase full of money used to help Cristina’s campaign.
In 2008, she raised the taxes in the agriculture exportations. This led to a nationwide protest, which started on March 12th, to make the government back off with the taxes. The government didn’t back off, and there were big incidents, to which the police turned a blind eye.
The government prohibited the dollar and euro market, making people do illegal transactions, generating a black market and difficulty financial activities. The black market has raised, but the “blue dollar” (black market dollar) has a really high price.
I think that in the future of Argentina, there’s going to be a crisis, just like in 2001. The crisis of 2001 was because Peron, ex- president of Argentina, took all the money and left the country.
I believe that the best solution for the country right now is a putsch, finally taking her down. It would hurt the economy, but it would eventually turn in a better way than her staying as a president.
If you stop to think about it, you can see that she is just harming the country, and that she is not going to help it.
If she continues to be the president, Argentina will never be the same.

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Merceds said...
on Oct. 29 2015 at 3:17 am
This is just so inaccurate... The president Nestor Kirchner was in the power only 4 just starting reading this and I know this is not a product of an intense well studied political situation
Please don't misinform the people