Open Your Eyes | Teen Ink

Open Your Eyes

November 13, 2012
By Anonymous

How has America’s economy been for the last four years? What have we accomplished in those four years that President Obama was in office? What has President Obama done to help this country?

President Obama didn’t come into office with everything all handy and dandy. There were a lot of things going on that needed to be fixed. President Obama promised a lot of things to this country that he didn’t keep. Sure he captured Osama Bin Laden, but he couldn’t have done that without everything being handed to him; that plan to capture Osama Bin Laden was partially done when President George W. Bush was in office. President Obama provided health care, but he didn’t focus on the economy. The percent of unemployment is worse than ever: 7.8%. In case you haven’t noticed, that’s a lot! The president didn’t tell us about the whole Fast and Furious topic did he? Fast and Furious is where we are giving weapons to the Mexicans on the border of America and they are using them to kill our C.I.A. agents.

Governor Mitt Romney is promising to lower the unemployment rate and create more jobs. He wants to have the higher class pay 60% in taxes and lower the tax rate of the middle class. I’m pretty sure that if he is president then if something goes down like getting attacked by terrorists, then he would tell the entire country about what is going on. He wants to invest in small businesses to make over 12 million jobs. He wants to make sure that our military people over seas and diplomats are being protected and not being killed. He wants to make this country a better, civilized nation than it ever has been. Also, you may not realize but he is a republican that governed a democratic state, just think about that.

In conclusion, why would we, citizens, want to go through four more years of depression, debt, and confusion? I am not trying to say that what you believe in is wrong. I am just saying that if there is a new president this year, then our unemployment rate will go sky high in the right direction instead of people losing their jobs. I mean I know the election is over, but if you would’ve opened your eyes you would’ve saw that our country is on a straight path to nowhere but down.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this was the 2012 election. I hope that people will see what they will deserve by electing President Obama.

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