The Second Amendment | Teen Ink

The Second Amendment

January 24, 2013
By Anonymous

As an American citizen it is our right to own guns. People kill other people not guns. I think it is absolutely ridiculous to even think about not allowing American citizens to own guns. It is true! It takes one person to ruin something for everyone. Indeed more than one person in the United Sates has been killed by a gun but it has been less than more people killed by guns. I do understand that many tragedies have happened from shootings, but that does not mean that nobody in the U.S. should be able to legally own guns. If guns did get outlawed then the only people that would still have then would be criminals. Just because it is against the law doesn’t mean criminals will not have them, that’s why they are criminals, because they break the law.

The Thirteen Amendments are supposed to be something that is apart of being and American citizen; that we can always depend on. If one of them is taken away that means the government will take others away. The United States will no longer be the free country. Even now some people don’t like guns and don’t want to be around them and don’t want them in their homes, and that is their choice, but for the people that do want them and that use them appropriately they should be able to own them.

Many people like to hunt. That is how they get a lot of their food is from hunting. If guns were taken away some people who can’t afford to pay for meat could go hungry, especially if they are feeding more than one person, they could be feeding a whole family with one deer. There are many of good things guns are used for. They are not all used for bad. I will say that guns are used to do bad things, but the gone does not do the bad thing the person using the gun does the bad thing. Saying that a gun killed someone is like saying that a spoon made someone over weight. That’s how it sounds too me anyway. I very much support guns being legal to own and that’s that.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 4 2013 at 2:53 pm
CDHLegend BRONZE, Highlands Ranch, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 14 comments
Whereas in places like Japan, less than 200 die annually

on Feb. 4 2013 at 2:51 pm
CDHLegend BRONZE, Highlands Ranch, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 14 comments
My opinion on the second amendment is that people should only be allowed own a few hunting guns and collectibles, the insurance must be higher for even those guns and the guns that are out there cause 9,000 deaths nationwide anually